| | Water Fasting

Not hungry but the urge to eat!

I have been on IF since mid Sept 2021. I was mostly doing 20:4 and shifted to 16:8 during the holiday season. I was not very careful with my diet. I only made sure to limit my meals to two per day and no snacks in-between. I am getting back to my routine starting today. I am planning an 18:6 for this week and back to 20:4 next week (depending on how I will feel come Sunday). It’s all going well. I think I can even push for 20:4 today but the urge to eat is something I have never experienced before. I am not hungry, at all but I really, really, really want to to eat! What is this? And how can I stop/deal with it?

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For me it’s a stress reaction and the second I get stressed, I want to eat. I’m stuggling because I work at home and it’s stressful and the kitchen is right there! Distract yourself. Journal. Take a walk. Play a video game. Drink black coffee or unsweetened tea (i like pepoermint tea).

Good luck. I’m right there with you.

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Categories: snack stress coffee tea