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Not hungry when I’m on my period but feel like I’m going to faint all the time

So the week before my period, I do a lot of eating. I’m constantly hungry. I get so bloated. It’s horrible.

Then when I’m on my period, I am just not hungry at all so it’s an easy fast. But the thing is, it feels like my blood pressure drops. I feel really faint and get this attractive pale face with blue lips thing.

Then the few days after my period I am really hungry again and struggle to fast properly.

Does anyone else follow this kind of pattern? I feel sick when I’m on my period so I just really struggle to eat- which I’m sort of okay with- but it’s the fainting and fatigue that really gets to me. Has anyone got any tips or advice because it’s really getting to me!

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I noticed that I felt better on my period while fasting than when not but my period did make me more tired. I found taking a little salt on my tongue helped but I also just took it slower and accepted that my body wanted to slow down.


Blue lips and dizziness could indicate anemia, especially if you’re fasting. You might want to try taking a multivitamin that has iron in it if you’re not already. I take the Rainbow brand (I think that’s the name?) prenatal vitamins because the iron is gentler on my stomach than others types.


I second the iron comment. We actually need about twice as much iron as men, mostly due to periods. And in the fasting world, we’re, well, not eating. So you may have to supplement. Have you had your levels checked lately? :)


Yikes! Maybe getting your iron levels checked with dr would be helpful.

The most awful I’ve ever felt on fasting was when I was low on electrolytes. I was super weak and my heart was racing. I was just lying on the floor. I then drank water with salt and potassium (1/2 tsp each) and took my magnesium pill. Felt so much better within 5 mins. And my heart rate slowed down.

I originally started fasting as a way to bypass that PMS binge eating and it worked!

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Categories: blood pressure struggle to fast sick tips vitamin stomach electrolytes weak heart potassium magnesium binge