| | Water Fasting

Not losing/gaining weight during 1st week- advice.

I’ve started fasting, mixed of 18:6 or 16:8 over the last week and counting calories in my eating window but not only have I not lost anything this week, i’ve gone up 0.1kg.

For background- I gained 20kg during pregnancy and the few months after birth, now want to get back down to pre pregnancy weight (and more).

I’ve been doing IF for about 1.5 weeks now, but the first half I wasn’t 100% strict and would have coffee with milk or sugar free drinks during fasting window, or go extend my eating window ( only by about an hour or so). The past 5 days I have been fasting for 17/18 hours, and only drinking black coffee and water outside my eating window.

I track my calories, and have been at about 700-1000 calories a day. Even 2 of the days, one day i had a donut and another a small slice of pizza but i used the nutritional information to track these but still i know i havent gone over.

For example, what i usually eat in a day:

1/2 cup oats 1/2 cup no sugar soy milk

Then sometimes (if hungry, but not every day) 2 boiled eggs 2 tablespoon of guacamole

Then for dinner

Varied vegetables, usually zuchinni, eggplant, peppers etc 2 tablespoon of hummus Sometimes a small tortilla wrap to eat with some of the vegetables inside

Snack usually 1/4 or 1/2 cup of no sugar Greek yogurt (about 100 calories) with some fruit like Apple or kiwi

I understand that weight fluctuates and It can take time to see progress, but i just wanted to ask if anyone has any suggestions on what to improve, tips or has been through the same and can motivate me by telling me it gets better!

Thanks in advance 🙌

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You just began your journey so I’d recommend taking your measurements with a tape measurer and record them in your notes. If the scale isn’t budging and you are doing things mostly right 5 out of 7 days then you should be dropping weight somewhere. Some factors to include are sodium intake which cause water retention and which stage in your menstrual cycle you are in. Good luck! Don’t get discouraged you didn’t gain all of that weight in 1.5wks and it’ll take much more effort, time, commitment to lose it and keep it off, this isn’t an instant miracle; results last as long as you keep at it ✨ you go!!

I’m down 80lbs and am in the process of relosing this last 10lbs, intermittent fasting over 2+ years is how I’ve maintained


I judge my weight loss and success by my clothes. Yes I weigh myself but there’s days my weight stays the same or goes up a hair, only to have it drop two pounds that week. If you strictly look at the numbers you’ll drive yourself crazy especially with daily weigh ins. Also remember, your body can store tons of water weight and hold onto it. You’ll actually weigh more when not drinking enough water.


Don’t be dismayed. You’ve just started. The stupid scale is not always a friend. My only suggestion is to drink more water and gradually scale up the fasting windows - but that’s me, don’t do it if you’re not feeling it. So I started with 16, then 18, and finally OMAD. Everything was fine until I hit a plateau where the weight didn’t seem to budge and I even gained a bit of weight, I tried a 48h fast (which was tough) just to push through it and then I just went back to OMAD and drank a lot of water and just endure it out. It worked fine.


It took me a few weeks to see any change. Then in week 4 alone I lost like 3 pounds. Then it was stagnant for a few more weeks and then I lost a free more pounds in one week. It averages out to about a pound a week though which is my goal. It’s more about a lifestyle change / marathon than a sprint. You have to play the long game.


A key part of this is lowering your blood glucose to increase insulin sensitivity. So doing things like: IF, choosing healthy proteins over carbs, no donuts, going for 30 min brisk walks everyday, drink mostly water.

Also: make sure you get enough sleep, make sure you get enough vitamins and reduce stress as much as possible to balance out your hormones will make a big difference.


Time is the key my friend. It’s a lifestyle. I have done OMAD for years and do occasional months of keto. Stay off the scale and only weigh yourself every few weeks. Calorie counting is key. I always underestimate calories and tracking them helps keep track of macros. The weight will come off but it takes time for your body to adjust. Read Dr. Fungs book the Obesity Code.


Giiirrrrl I feel your pain! I just had a baby in Nov and I also need to lose a chunk of weight from being pregnant. I’ve been IF with keto for almost 3 weeks and I keep losing and gaining the same 5lbs every week! I’m working out twice a week (schedule doesn’t really allow for much more) and counting calories (still breastfeeding though so I’m not suppose to dip below 1800 cals/day at 5’8”) .. it’s so frustrating, but I’m going to stick it out.

Good luck and hopefully your trend breaks and you get what you’re after! My hunch, maybe neither of us are drinking enough water? Who knows.


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