| | Water Fasting

Not sure how to start

Hi so I’m sure there are a lot of posts like this in here but I’ve gained a lot of weight during the pandemic and I’m not thrilled about it. I am amazed and love seeing everyone’s progress in here and would love to start the fasting journey. I’m not really sure how to start/what to do/what I can and can’t eat. Any professionals out there with some tips for beginners would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

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Not a pro but heres what I do

I started from a 16:8 to get acclimated just try it for a week see if you can handle it

What you wanna do is find out what dinner time is for you and just once that meal is done begin your fast and have nothing but water the next morning (do it at night so half the time passes while you sleep)

The next morning just constantly hydrate and keep busy i also found that fasted cardio was tremendously helpful in seeing results quicker

Your gonna not eat “ANYTHING” during 16hrs and only eat a total of 8 hrs how ever you wanna split it

Check out the app ZERO to help you with timers

They say you shouldnt have any calories but I cheat by adding creamer to coffee and have been fine no matter what but try to do it one week with absolutely black coffee no gum no anything that makes you wanna eat or chew.

Once you feel comfortable doing an 16:8 you can advance to the next level 18:6 then after that do 20:4

The best suggestion is take photos and always weigh yourself at the SAME TIME usually after your first bowel movement or pee in morning which ever happens for ya lol

Again once you get comfortable you can tweak this all and do what fits your schedule but try to be as busy as possible during these fasts


Welcome! Definitely check out the stickied thread for beginners, that should help :) Fasting is more about the “when” of eating, rather than dictating what foods you actually eat. The point is to extend the amount of time between meals, which lowers your insulin levels, and allows your body to utilize your fat stores for energy (= weight loss).

You can start slow and steady by cutting out snacks, and scheduling your breakfast slightly later and later until it starts to overlap with lunch. The goal is to have at least 16 hours of no food between dinner and the following lunch. From there you can experiment, try longer fasts, different foods, etc, to find what works best for you.

Fasting works extra well when paired with foods that don’t spike your insulin, because then your body can transition into burning fat quicker. Drink lots of water too!


I’m no professional…but I’ll start a new fast after an early dinner today. I downloaded the Fasting Tracker app, as soon as I finish eating, I’ll start a fast, not eat another bite until 2:00pm tomorrow (starting with 18:6). Before bed I’ll have an herbal tea, when I wake up I’ll either have black coffee or tea, plus water, and usually I’ll put a little dash of maldon salt on my tongue, not sure how it works but it’s something I do. Will drink lots of water…my app updates me on how long it’s been and worst case, I’ll eat at 16 hrs since it’ll be my first day back.


I started with one meal per day. Then one meal per two or more days.


Greasy fatty meat soup with meat and fat is the best. The meat soup is smelling disgusting before I half finish the soup.


After one day to couple day, the hungry makes me try another disgusting smelling meat soup again.

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Categories: tips dinner morning sleep cardio calories coffee weak energy weight loss tea snack lunch fasting tracker a fast meat