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Not sure if I have a reasonable goal weight?

I’m 5’6”/SW 137/CW 137 lbs/GW 120. I’ve been doing IF since the start of September, but haven’t lost any weight. My strategy was cut out my breakfast and latte every morning, cut out sweet treats, eat a healthy lunch under 500 calories, and then eat whatever I was eating pre-IF for dinner for sustainability. My calorie consumption has certainly decreased, but I’ve also upped my workout game. I’ve been riding my peloton about 6 days a week and rock climbing 2-3x a week. I can tell that I am slimming down, but the scale isn’t moving. Great–I want to be more muscular anyway. So I’m not too worried about that (at least yet, I’d like it to move eventually lol). I am a little worried though that my goal weight may not be achievable with an athletic body. A coworker of mine noticed that I’ve been eating healthier and smaller lunches at work and inquired about it, but seemed to hint that I don’t have much weight to be losing and was a little concerned. I originally chose 120 because it’s close to what I weighed in high school, but I was never active then. So I guess my question is, how do I figure out what a reasonable goal weight for an athletic body type is?

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You need a pair of pants that don’t fit but that if you were in the right shape to fit them, they would look great on you.
Then, you have goal pants not a goal weight. Because a toned up 130 might end up looking better than the 120 you originally thought


Your weight is pretty healthy for your height right now. I think that Keto would probably be the thing that would help the most. When I was already a healthy weight it was the only thing that got me down lower.


You’re fine, if probably undereating, kinda depends on what you’re eating after that micro lunch

Don’t chase a number on a scale, imho. Chase protein intake, strength building, and some cardio if you enjoy it


I am 5’6 and 135 was always a sweet spot for me. I could be 130–if I had just gotten over being sick. That was also when cardio was all the rage so I had less muscle. I’m always surprised when I am looking at clothing reviews on Amazon and someone says they’re 5’6 and like 145lbs—and they are a size 4 because they have so much muscle. Weight is truly deceptive. I agree with everyone else—ditch the scale and focus on measurements, body fat%, or fitness goals.

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