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Nutritional Info Discrepancy

I noticed that on many foods the number of calories is off in relation to what I would expect given kilocalorie yield per macronutrient (4kcal/g protein, 9kcal/g fat, 4kcal/g carbohydrate). For example, a food with 1g protein, 6g fat, and 10g carbohydrates was indicated to have 110 kcal while I would expect 98 kcal.

Any idea where this discrepancy is coming from? I figure some non-macronutrient component accounts for the excess calories, like how alcohol provides calories in and of itself, but I don’t know what. I am also aware that nutrition labels do not have to be precise, so maybe that could play a role. I am trying to decide whether to go by the label or my own calculation for determining kilocalories per food

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The total calories may have been calculated using Atwater specific factors, rather than Atwater general factors. You can read more about this here: https://www.fao.org/3/y5022e/y5022e04.htm

Also keep in mind that all values on the nutrition label will be rounded.

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Categories: nutrition calories macro carbohydrate alcohol