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Off the wagon

Confession time

After good progress and regular fasting for roughly a year, I haven’t fasted since October and have been completely off the wagon since, eating mostly rubbish food and way too much sugar.

I’m not sure why but I lost all interest and motivation to fast and lose weight, even though I am not at all happy with my body, very disappointed with myself, and even more so that it has taken a nasty comment from a stranger about my appearance today to make me want to do something about it,

So anyway, hoping this post will be the starting point to get my shit together again, 3-4 days of keto followed by a 2 or 3 day fast is the plan.

Let’s try again

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This was me during the pandemic. It sucks and it’s very disappointing to lose most, if not all, of your progress, but it happens and you can only move on.

I’ve realized yet again that fasting is mostly a mental game for me and it’s not as easy as ‘just not eating’.

Though nasty comments suck, sometimes an outside influence is exactly what you need to get you back in that healthy mindset.

I wish you all the best! Let’s end 2021 in a healthier way!


It happens. And now that you have drawn a line in the sand, you will change it. Don’t look back- look forward. Yes, learn from your actions, but no need to dwell on it- just correct it. You were successful before and you will be successful again. Keto prep and a few days of fasting is a great way to get started again– u got this!!


I felt off the wagon too

but in the last month i succeed going back to fasting by going back slowly

I share with you some kind of schedule i have been following :

Week 1 - 16h fasting

Week 2 - 20h fasting


Week 3 - 23h fasting (OMAD)

Week 4 - 23h fasting (OMAD)

Week 5 - 23h fasting (OMAD)

Week 6 - 23h fasting (OMAD)


Week 7 - 36h fasting

Week 8 - 36h fasting


Week 10 - 48h fasting

Week 11 - 48h fasting

Week 12 - 48h fasting


Week 13 - 60h fasting

Week 14 - 60h fasting


Week 15 - 72h fasting

Week 16 - 72h fasting

And you can roll in the same week => 72h 48h 23h so you can have some rest you can adapt social event etc….


Hey OP don’t beat yourself up, I also lost motivation since end of October/beginning of November, nothing else to do but to build up again. We have to remember that we accomplished a lot, and just because right at this moment we’re not fasting, doesn’t erase the fact we did it successfully in the past, which means we can do it again! Let’s get to it, everyone!


It’s never too late to get back on track! I lost almost 70 lbs fasting from January through July, and then got really off track for a few months. Got back into it finally a couple months ago, then got off track again a few weeks ago, and this week I’m back at it for a 6-day fast. One of the keys for me has been not beating myself up when I get off track for a while. I just keep getting back at it, and usually after just a few days doing it again I feel better about myself. And sorry somebody was mean to you, people can suck!


A snarky comment is sometimes a blessing in disguise. I’m in the same boat. I’m good at fasting but lately my motivation has been trash and I’m super chunky. It’s time to go again but ugh I wanna drink on Christmas 😭 and New Years 😭


After a year of success, in September I started needing to work OT at work to help train someone new and cover shifts because my new coworker wouldn’t. This was every week, 1-2 extra days. It cut into my extended fasts then it crashes my exercise routine. All the stress and exhaustion killed my lifts. I had to stop all together.

I had a vacation in October and let myself eat like shit. I had surgery last month and also let myself eat like shit. I don’t know how much of my added weight is water vs body fat. I didn’t gain much but still.

I’m still not completely recovered but I am starting to want to eat low carb/keto again. I’m really over the processed foods and carbs at this point. Once my body feels more normal I hope I can jump into EFs again. So far I can do IF(16:8-20:4) okay and even OMAD depending.

You got this! Good luck!

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