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Oh lawd snake juice tastes nasty

Looking for tips/feedback on my recipe!

I’ve done multi-day and alternate-day fasting in the past, but those have never been long enough fasts to warrant that I replenish my electrolytes, so this snake juice bit is new to me.

It’s day 3 of a 5 day fast and it’s my first time making a batch of this stuff. It makes me want to gag. Why does it taste so nasty? I immediately feel disheartened. If multi-day fasts mean drinking this garbage water all day long then I might just revert back to alternate-day fasting.

Recipe (makes 1 batch):

Daily Plan (created via reading the wiki):

Is it just too much sodium? Is existence pain? Is this the big secret of multi-day fasting that I’ve just never seen before? Help!

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Snake Juice is the devil’s spit and I just cannot do it. I seriously just measure and pour a bit of salt and nu salt into my palm and lick that, four times a day. It’s nasty but it’s over with in about 5 seconds flat. I also use a magnesium and potassium supplement, all added up and math-ed out to make sure i’m getting daily recommended amounts.


When I do multi-day fasts, I do store-bought chicken broth. Much easier delivery system for getting my necessary sodium. I also do magnesium pills and a multi-vitamin to cover everything else. The only thing I don’t have a dedicated supplement for is potassium, but to be honest, I broth-fasted for three months without going out of my way to take potassium, and it didn’t affect me at all.


Your issue is likely the lo salt. Get actual potassium chloride. It goes from tasting like water squeezed from someone’s gym gear to slightly sweet, but still not overly pleasant water. It won’t taste as good as plain water, but it helped me stomach it. Just do the math for however much you need since pure potassium chloride and no salt wouldn’t be a 1:1


Bone broth cost a ton here, so I use bouillon cubes. One cube is 5g of sodium. Taste good, and its low calorie, although not zero, so it breaks fasting but it can be okay - its depending on the type of fasts.


I do a lot of seven-day fasts and have never found that a single fast has caused any symptom of electrolyte deficiency. Considering that the first symptom that your salt is low is pretty benign - you’ll feel light-headed if you stand up too quickly - I feel like better advice for long fasters is to be ready with supplements to address the issue if and when it arises, instead of what many around here seem to do, which is to chug down ghastly mixtures of the stuff as a matter of course.


I use Ultima with Perrier over ice. I use a little wire milk frother to mix it up as it does not dissolve that well. I like the orange and grape the best, the only one I do not like much is the lemon. It works for me and is tasty enough (I use extra Ultima for a stronger flavor) to stop hunger pangs.

I try and save it just for fast days so it seems like a treat. I use it when hiking sometimes so I am used to it.


I either add some lemon juice to make it more tolerable or for shorter fasts, I just take electrolyte pills. I cannot stand the taste of snake juice on its own. Also, I only consume around half the amount of sodium than you (around 3g per day).


Yeah I cannot do snake juice and I’m still in the process of losing weight doing 3 to 5 day fast. Usually on the second or third day when I wake up in the morning I will take about 4 to 6 oz of water mix that with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar about half a tablespoon of no salt (potassium chloride) and regular table salt about a teaspoon into the water and chug that real quick. As long as I do that every morning after the second day I will not get cramping issues during the fast. Throw in a magnesium supplement in there too and you’ll be fine.

At this point I’ve been doing it for about a year off and on and I’m very comfortable with three to five day fast without the large amount of electrolytes that are recommended to blend in. I really don’t think you need that much. You don’t have to torture yourself all day you can make it a 1 minute exercise in the morning. One of my fast a couple weeks ago I did strictly without electrolytes as an experiment. I definitely do not recommend that though because by day four you start cramping all over. Although I was doing rigorous exercise at the time too so if I hadn’t been doing that I probably could have gone a week without electrolytes before I started getting cramps.


I do 1 L high mineral water (Crazy Water #4), 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp No-Salt, 1 tsp baking soda, and a packet of True Lemon crystallized lemon (or lime, or one of each). The lemon really helps the flavor. I sip on that throughout the day and drink plain water when I’m thirsty. There’s no sense in forcing yourself to drink a certain amount. Your body will tell you when it’s thirsty. I also take a 250mg pill of magnesium. I can’t do the epsom salt like snake juice suggests.


Snake juice ( the new formula ) taste much better than the equivalent salt+potassium because it has baking soda ( less salty taste )

It was literary made because some people don’t like the taste.

Baking soda is the only salt i can stand in water.

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