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OMAD And An Active Immune System

So I’ve done OMAD over 3.5 years, losing 50 lbs and keeping it off. It’s amazing for weight loss, but this is something people don’t realize.

This lifestyle has a very positive impact on health and avoidance / recovery of sickness.

I very very rarely get sick now. Sniffles and sore throat, coughs and colds, sinus infections - went from common / normal to almost none (even prepandemic). It been just amazing. Before if I was around someone sick, I always got it. What a difference!

Recent experience. On Friday evening was having “Appetizer Night” with family. It’s fun to have this and that - Buffalo Chicken dip, charcuterie board, salad, fruit … at sorts of stuff with some good beer and even some fancy chocolate.

Don’t know what it was, maybe some milk that was 3 days before expiration but tasted a little funny, but at bedtime I had very strong diarrhea. So fun. I haven’t had that in a decade or more.

Maybe TMI, but it was very strong but over in 20 seconds or less. Felt better. We had no Pepto so drank some water went to bed. That was one of 4 trips overnight, sleeping fine between. All short, high volume, one and done affairs. In the morning I tried to go - no action. Not even a drop. I felt fine all day. Ate normal dinner. Walked dogs over 3 miles. Feeling fine next morning. Butt not even sore.

Now I have had only rare encounters with this condition, but it’s is never been a casual affair. Needed OTC meds. Very careful about what I ate. Urge to go sudden and at awkward times. Often sitting waiting for action for long periods. Gurgling stomach. None of that this time. This experience was almost civilized. A violent eviction of an unwanted visitor.

This is how it is now. I don’t get sick but when I do my immune system acts quickly and decisively. A little tickle at night is gone by morning - not turned into a sore throat and cough that gets even worse.

OMAD is great. I’ll never go back to frequent eating. But it’s not just weighing less, I feel hugely healthier.

One change I’ve made is avoiding anti- anything. Yes they wipe out bad things, but they wipe out the good too. I’m not crazy about it, and if my Dr prescribed something and said it was important, I’d take it. But I skip all these products promoted as an avoidance strategy. They take out the good guys! Every antibiotic ointment kills the protective flora on the skin. (Go with the “pro” and skip the “anti”.) Little cuts and such heal just fine with a washing and a bandaid.

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Sitting here while the rest of my family is recovering from sickness that I didn’t catch, only very mild symptoms. Anecdotal evidence, but this is the second time in a row 10+ years this has happened after starting roughly OMAD. I think there is something to it!

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Categories: omad weight loss recover sick evening chicken fruit beer sleep morning dinner stomach