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OMAD and Protein intake

Hello fellow fasters,

I am a 42 YO female wanting to loose weight but also wanting to build muscle. I’ve lost approximately 25 lbs so far using mostly OMAD and 20/4 with occasional 72 hour fasts. I still have about 30 lbs more to loose to hit my goal weight. I have been doing exercise daily (Cardio, HIIT, Yoga, and Pilates), but I want to incorporate more strength training for body recomposition. Does anyone have any experience with doing OMAD and building muscle? Can you get enough protein in that one meal to do it? Also, does timing of your meal matter? I am not looking to compete in a body building competition, only to build more lean muscle mass for overall health and aesthetics.

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these bro-science algorithms that say you should have X grams of protein per Y of bodyweight all go way overboard, as long as you’re eating meat it’s not really an issue.

i added 100 lbs to my deadlift on omad in the last four months. my go-to meal is 1lb ribeye, three eggs, all cooked in butter. i have no idea how much protein that is, and i probably don’t need that much, i just like to eat steak and eggs. it’s definitely enough for me, and im basically a human version of shrek.

also you should know that a good part of beginner strength training is learning technique and getting good with the lifts, you’re going to progress fast. and you’re going to gain some muscle quickly as you adapt to doing the movements. but once you get adapted to basic strength training, hormones play a big part in muscle-building. and unfortunately females are at a disadvantage, and age is also a factor. keep in mind that almost all of the influencer types that you see, most athletes, and a lot of regular folks you see in the gym subscribe to some level of “better living through chemistry”. strength training is still the absolute best thing you can do for yourself healthwise, don’t get me wrong, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t add a significant amount of muscle mass, and don’t immediately jump to thinking that protein intake has anything to do with it.

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