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OMAD but still not losing weight, what am i doing wrong?

Hey guys.

This isn’t my first rodeo, i have lost weight before, around 48 kgs (105 lbs). I lost that weight primarily using OMAD, in the beginning i simply started exercising more until plateau, then i started tracking calories, until plateau then i started 16:8 fast until plateau, and finished off with OMAD.

I kept the weight stable at around 68kg for 4 years. Suddenly 2 years ago i started gaining weight very quickly even though i hadn’t changed my diet or exercise. I have regained around 24 kgs of weight in around 6-8 months, and have not figured out why… Have been at the doctor and blood-work is all fine.

I feel like i have tried everything, cutting at around 300-500 calories, eating at TDEE and exercising more. I have tried 16:8, i have tried OMAD and NOTHING works. I can gain 1-2 kgs overnight easily, but I can’t do anything to lose it again.

I hit 8000-10.000 (average at 8000) steps every day. I run a few times a week. Apple watch says around 700 kcal active energy burned (600 average over month) but I don’t think it is to be trusted.
Steps: https://i.imgur.com/WCYzFqT.jpg
Active KCAL: https://i.imgur.com/waQdV94.jpg

I am 27 and Male.
170cm and currently at 92 kgs.
BMR: 1853 calories
I count calories, and I have been on OMAD for 4 weeks now, at around 1000-1200 calories intake. I only drink black coffee and water when fasting, so no sodas, no ice teas, no real calories.

I would also like to mention that I meal prep, weigh out the ingredients on scale and track recipes / calories.

Any ideas to what I can try next? I’m open to anything. Few people have mentioned that i underestimate my calories, and I don’t want to sound arrogant, but i have done it for 4 years, i have lost weight before with success. Even if i am underestimating by some margin, at 1200 calories I’m still way under my BMR which is at roughly 1800 calories

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No weight change since going on OMAD at 1200 calories for the past 4 weeks?

Can’t say what you ought to do, only what I would try in your shoes.

I’d try to change one thing at a time to see if it makes any difference. Good luck OP!


Buy and read Fast Feast Repeat, it will show you the science to how you got to this place an offer solutions to get you out. My guess is that your severe calorie restriction jacked with your metabolism. You can fix it, but read this book. You could also read Obesity Code or look up some videos by Dr Jason Fung, I’m sure somewhere he addresses this. You just need some education and you can fix this 🙂


“Bloodwork is all fine”.

I wouldn’t so quickly dismiss further testing. Bloodwork is a range. A GP can easily overlook things that are “in range” (which just means you and others around you fall into that range, not that it’s optimal). Not sure what kind of bloodwork you got done but it things don’t shift I’d maybe press a bit harder about having it looked into more. Thyroid, hormones, ana panel, etc are worth being looked at.

Someone else mentioned medication. Not sure if you take anything but there are meds that absolutely do mess with weight.

2 years at this with calorie counting and the effort you’ve been putting in, should see results. I don’t think it’s from a lack of effort truthfully.


If you are trying to lose fat, reduce your calories intake wont change anything because your body consumes bodyfat only when it run out of carbs. So remove the most carbs as you can ( milk,potatoes,sugar added,bread,pasta,rice,fruit) . The fastest way to lose fat is by eating only meat, vegetables (but not potatoes), and cheese.

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