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OMAD For Psoriasis (Don't Want To Lose Weight)

36 year old male, had psoriasis symptoms non-stop since age 16. Tried everything under the sun with little to no benefit.
However I tried IF (18:6) and it helped a bit, but OMAD is really helping in a big way. The issue is that I’m not fat and don’t wish to lose weight if possible, but this seems to be difficult keeping my weight maintained. Any tips or supplements that can help me keep on my muscle mass and regular mass?
Note: seeing as I’m lowering inflammation, I don’t want to binge on loads of processed and low quality foods.

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You’ve just opened up a whole new rabbit hole for me to poke down. I didn’t know it could help solely just for skin complaints. What’s your experience been? And for your OP have you tried supplementing with real meal replacement drinks? Fortisip, ensure… They’re the pricy ones but complan is another that’s good for weight maintenance without the bulk.

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