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OMAD lump in throat feeling

Might the lump in throat feeling I get in the morning when I do I fasting be coffee? Or I literally get reflux from fasting? Is there a tip/hack for this?

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I’ve never heard of a “lump in the throat” feeling from fasting, and I’ve done 72 hour fasts. If you’re getting heartburn or reflux, it might be what you’re eating prior to fasting. Also, if you’re eating right before going to sleep, your digestive tract slows down immensely, so any food will stay in your stomach overnight and can cause heartburn.

You can try eating more fibrous foods, like fruits, nuts, and veggies with your final meal, but you should really discuss this with your doc.


I made the mistake of not drinking enough water during my meals a few weeks ago and it woke me up in the middle of the night…. It was almost impossible to get back to sleep

Thought I was dying, make sure to take your time chewing, drink water and don’t scarf your food down - it’s not going anywhere - you don’t have to beat the clock.


A couple of years ago I was making great progress with daily 16:8, but had that very same feeling, and it would usually kick in towards the end of a fasting window.

Turns out it was reflux, and my body doesn’t like a regular fast of greater than around 14 hours.

I tried breaking my fast is different ways, especially as I was also following keto.

I reintroduced carbs, in case that would help, but ultimately the root cause would seem to be the fasting itself.

It was a real bummer, as it completely killed what was a good run for me, and I’ve now put the weight back on that I had lost.

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Categories: omad morning coffee 72 hour fast heart to fast sleep digest stomach fruit a fast keto carbs