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OMAD people, tell me

How long do you give each meal?

Do you try to eat around the same time everyday?

Do you eat larger or normal size meals?

Did you work up to it. such as 18/6 to 20/4 to OMAD?

What time of day works best for you?



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Yeah, I do 23:1 and keep it consistent bc it also helps me keep my bowel movements consistent. So I eat early in the morning so I can take care of business at home before I go to work lol.

Being a creature of habit too so I can keep it up, I also meal prep and legit have the same thing every day (broccoli chicken stir fry with 3 hard-boiled eggs). There’s about 13 oz of broccoli with about 1 lb of rotisserie chicken. It’s a huge portion of food bc of how volumous the broccoli is, but calories wise, it’s roughly around 1200 calories.

The first few days are hard bc my body hasn’t adjusted to it, and thus, I still get my typical hunger pangs, but as I power through it, it normalizes. Lots of water with electrolytes throughout the day.


Also, I jumped right into OMAD. The only big adjustment was black coffee and no lunch/snacks. I never really ate breakfast. It took me about 15 days in to feel like it was becoming normal and not feeling starved by lunch.


I am 23:1 during the week. Yes I keep my meals around the same time, I eat within an hour or so after I get off work. I eat until I am thoroughly full, so I eat large meals. As long as I’m not uncomfortably full I let myself eat whatever I want and however much it takes to get full. I started IF a month and a half ago on 18:6, tried to switch to OMAD a few weeks in but wound up bingeing so I went back to 18:6. However my appetite reduced over time and I kind of naturally fell into OMAD.


I’m interested in this as well. I am a teacher so I can get home sometimes at 3:45 and sometimes not until 5:30. I like to fast until dinner and basically eat until I’m full. A normal dinner like tonight was 4:00 snacked on some tortilla chips and dip and had salmon, rice, and broccoli for my main meal. I couldn’t finish all of it but I ate until I felt nice a full. I’m not counting calories but I don’t really eat more than an hour a night at this point. This is my first time fasting and I’m really enjoying how I feel so I’m just going by that. I figure if I’m going to try this I want to eat the foods I like and be excited to eat my dinner. I do read that others eat more spread out but I think you should follow what makes sense to you and how it makes you feel.


I’ve been eating omad off and on since about 2017. I’ve been doing this consistently for 2 years now however.

I normally eat within the hours of 3-4 pm. I do give myself leeway every once in a while if I feel like it personally, no pressure for me to switch it up and eat breakfast one day, or eat again later in the evening.

My meals are always within a set calorie limit so the size of the meal depends on how calorie dense the food is, which definitely varies. I like to give myself freedom to eat things I want from time to time, even if it’s unhealthy. I do try to make sure I’m eating a balanced diet though the week, though.

Edit: spelling

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