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Omad stopped

Good morning, I’ll try to make this brief. I started on OMAD 11/25. For some reason it has currently stopped. I track all my stuff and calories. I’m 40, 5’11” and started at 199.8 and I’m down to 195.6. i lift everyday, HIIT follows and later in the day is stage 2 cardio on my bike for 30 minutes. I drink water with lemon all day. My meals (at least for this week are the same). I mean prepped for the week, so my meals are roughly 700-800 calories. I am vegan, so alloy of it is high volume stuff as well. The only actual carbs are red lentils and some corn starch i used to bake tofu and cauliflower with.

Any ideas?

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So you’ve lost around 5lbs of scale weigh since the 25th? That seems like a lot to me. Weight loss isn’t linear. It’s expected to dump a bunch in the beginning when you first make a change and then for it to slow down/stop for a while.

Were you working out this much before you started OMAD? Are you saying you only get 700-800 calories a day?

What is your goal here? Is your focus fitness, fat loss, scale weight? I’m ~110lbs and I battle to keep my activity up on under 1600. I’m probably closer to 1800 now. I’m 50F. I know weight loss is a different beast and larger people can get away with lower calories as they have fat stores but it seems like you are doing a lot and not getting much fuel. I really focus on the nutrient component of my meals. I believe that you get the best results in anything when you give your body what it needs to function at as close to optimal levels you’re able to get it. Food is the best way to achieve this. I worry much less about calories. I focus on food and movement. Everything else falls in to place when I nail these two.

I workout every day but I don’t go hard every day. Saturday is a 5 mile hike where I try stay in Zone 2, so really just a nice walk in the sun, 4 days are strength training, some days are a killer others not so much. Sundays I run drills at the park and I allow myself one gym day where I can do what ever I feel like as a reward for sticking to my schedule (usually the treadmill which is my weakness and I’d be on it all day if I could). If I do more than one thing a day the second is stretching or yoga. I aim for 12k steps on my watch during my daily activity. I go for a walk every night over dinner. I use this time to plan out my day and generally decompress. I leave my phone at home. Stress has a big impact on our ability to function. It’s important to incorporate down time into your schedule.

I’m also vegan. I meal prep and try to only eat whole food I cook myself. This means I have to be more careful about my nutrition as the meals are filling. I need to make ingredients count.

I recommend giving it more time and making tweaks as you learn what does and doesn’t work for you. OMAD doesn’t work for me as I can’t hit all my goals in one meal. That said I’m not trying to lose weight. I do 16:8 most days for the structure and because it seems to really help my sleep. I do random longer fasts 24hr to 5 days. It takes a while to find what works for you. Focus on the basics and try to have realistic expectations. You’ll reach your goal.

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