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OMAD vs Two 40 Hour Fasts

Hi all,

Looking for a bit of advice. I’m starting a new way of eating next week, but looking to see what method is most effective.

I have experience in both OMAD and full day fasting, with my longest fast being 72 hours. I have, however, found that OMAD tends to not help my binging, which I’m slowly getting under control, but still concerned about.

I’ve worked out that, calorie wise for what I plan to eat, both will work out similarly, though I’m looking to build healthier habits.

Any advice from people who are similar would help!

I am 33F, 70kgs (154.3lbs) and would like to be about 58kgs.

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You’ll have to do a deep dive into your own environment and mental state. You’ll also need to experiment and see what works well for you personally. 40s might be the ticket… or not. You won’t know unless you try. Your body will let you know what’s sustainable for you


A good way to curb the binging that works well for me:


If I focus on those things, I find I feel a lot fuller than if I eat simple carbs/sugars/processed foods and are eating easily “shovelable” foods. It might work for you, too


If you’re slowly getting things under control, it sounds like you’re on the right path, though! Keep it up and keep pushing forward until you build the habits that are good for you. You’ll get it before you know it. Good luck\~


If you binge, OMAD with an hour eating window would be better. Than two 40 hour fasts a week. One gives you a total of 7 hour eating window. The other gives you 128 hours of time to give into binging. Try to continue to curb your binging in that hour’s time each day and eventually, you’ll be able to open it up. It helps to eat nuititious food first instead of breaking your fast with junk


I’m currently doing alternate day fasting. So my eating window is between 8 to 10 hrs. My fasting days range between 38 to 42 hours. And every few months I also do 72 hour fasts. I used to do 2 to 3 day fasts on a routine basis but I found this harder to face going forward than ADF. Also ADF has been studied quite a bit and us shown to improve metabolic responses which is one of my main goals along with weight loss.

OMAD doesn’t work for me because I don’t like eating lots of food at one time. Plus I’ve heard from several experts (e.g. on Diet Doctor etc) that our bodies are only able to fully process 35 to 40 grams of protein in at a time. So I try to get my protein in 2 to 3 spaced out meals so it’s better assimilated. I’m a senior and concerned about this since I’m more susceptible to sarcopenia (muscle loss).

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