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OMD Best ways to keep hunger at Bay ?I get soooo hungry at lunch, what do you all do to get past it?

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Drink water is really all you can do.

Hunger is caused by the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is a habitual hormone. It knows when you usually eat and it’ll send a little reminder if you’re not eating. After a little while it’ll go “oh, I guess there is no food available. I’ll btfo.” Eventually it’ll just stop showing up altogether when you keep skipping lunch.


I got hungry in the afternoons when I first started OMAD. I always looked up a timeline of what’s happening in the body at different points during a fast. I realized that I always started feeling hungry right around 16 hours, when my body had started to run out of stored glycogen. The hungry feeling was just my body not yet being very efficient at switching over to burn fat. But it would always figure it out within a couple of hours — faster if I went for a short walk. Once my body started burning fat, I’d feel normal again. Knowing that helped me push past the hunger.

It also helps to know that your body sends hunger signals around your usual mealtimes just out of habit — to prepare for digesting the food it usually gets around that time. The signals only last for an hour or so each time. Your body will realize “OK, guess we’re not eating lunch right now after all. Just kidding, false alarm.” If you just ride the wave for a little while, it will subside. It can take a week or two for your body to adjust to a new eating schedule and completely stop sending those signals at the old mealtime. But it will happen relatively soon. You won’t be dealing with this lunchtime hunger forever.


About two quarts of water as soon as I wake and about another quart an hour.

I piss more that a nine month pregnant lady with a urinary track infection at a comedy club. But I’m rarely hungry, I may spend half my life peeing, but not hungry.


Lunch is my main meal now. I do a 180-200 calorie breakfast — either dark chocolate or a protein bar — and then do a 1000-1,300 calorie lunch.

Dinner rolls around and I get a little hungry but I find that by far the easiest meal to skip.

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Categories: lunch habit omad a fast digest dinner