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OMEOD carnivore

So I am 6’3, 230lbs and I am eating for a 4 hour window every two days. I have lost 30lbs fasting like this and feel great. I am going to start going to the gym and I’m new to muscle gain and protein and I see people saying you need about .5-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight, so if I eat around 180g of protein every other day I’m still missing out on that on my fasting days, does this affect my gaining muscle or should I be eating extra to compensate? I’d love advice as I’m wanting to be 180lbs or maybe around 195 if I’m pretty strong, so basically lose weight and gain muscle while raising my metabolism.

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Yes. You will have trouble adding muscle without taking in excessive protein AND calories. Resistance training will help you tone your muscles which may be best for you. As you lose weight and firm up, your muscles will appear larger even if they are not growing.

You want to be careful about eating too much protein. Protein can be hard to digest and hard on the kidneys. Also, be very careful with some whey protein shakes because many of them have sugar.

About 6 weeks ago, I started OMAD, a small meal at that, and went back to the gym. I am probably 215# right now and there is no way I am eating 100-200 mg of protein a day. I do not weigh myself but go by clothes size instead. I estimate I have lost about 20 pounds. I realize my muscles will not grow larger but I have noticed a huge difference in tone.

If you have not developed a workout plan, look into Elington Darden. He advocates short workout 3x a week. You do 1 set of 8-12 exercises, to failure, with no rest between each exercise. You are finished in under 1/2 hour. Do not be fooled by the short workout. Going to muscle failure for 8-10 exercises is brutal. The benefit of this high intensity routine is that the calorie burn stays with you for hours after you workout and really increases your metabolism.

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