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On the verge of relapsing..I need encouragement to keep going

Just some background: I was an addict most of my life. I even overdosed In 2010 and had to learn to walk again with foot drop…I kept using.

The drugs completely eliminated my hunger, I do not feel hunger still. Id go days without eating eventually having to force feed cuz my appetite didn’t exist. So combined with my hypothyroidism my metabolism is SLOW.. doing twice the work for half the results is expected. I know this.

I knew I had to stop using, but it was like a loss of identity and fell into a nearly year depression of not getting out of bed. Only getting up to eat and go to the bathroom..Sleeping constantly, not showering. When I was high I wanted to die,but being clean I didn’t care enough to live or die. I finally came out of it in October, when I realized I had deep red stretch marks on my underarms– I gained 120 lbs in 10 months..

I started going to the gym 3* a week for 2 hrs and noticed improvement in my stamina and mood. I felt better so I decided in January I’d try IMF and low carb cuz keto isn’t for me and I developed lactose intolerance when I tried keto in March of last year. So I finally gave up dairy late last year.

Now, I have go 4x a week for 2 hours, walk 6-10 miles a day, and have been doing 20-4 OR on special days (like 2 weekends ago i went out of town for the weekend ) 18-6. I stay within 1500 low carb whole food calories. I don’t like sweets, I don’t consume dairy, the window fluctuates, but I keep it before 7 pm to ensure I don’t go to bed with a full tummy.. I ONLY drink water and black coffee. I honestly stick as whole, organic foods as possible.

This entire time (since mid October) I have lost only 1.7 lbs once it went down to 256 but I stay between 257-259 and it’s super frustrating cuz I’ve been giving it everything I have and been holding on to hope that it will work, but it’s not budging on the scale.

Yes My body fat percentage had gone down slightly, I’m more toned. My thyroid is under control. I drink about a gallon a of filtered or spring water a day.

When will I see results on a scale? I’m tired of being 260. None of my clothes fit. I fear of relapse cuz I know I could be at 200 in two months. I just need some tips… Help..

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This must be extremely frustrating for you with weight loss, but be proud of yourself for getting off drugs. That’s incredibly difficult and your health is the #1 priority which includes staying off them. Not just being thinner.

I would recommend you reach out to a professional nutritionist, doctor, etc based on the damage to your metabolism. If that isnt in your budget, maybe try regular tips for resetting your metabolism. More strength training to build muscle, while eating at your maintenance caloric level since you’ve been dieting for a while. About 2 weeks of that, with clean eating, proper sleep, water and the exercise you could notice the scale move again. Your body fat is already changing so thats good and focus on the toning vs the scale. But honestly this seems like a professional is needed, good luck


If you have hypothyroid, you should be able to get treated with T4 or if that doesnt work T3. If you arent going to a Dr, definitely start with that. Maybe do a RMR oxygen conversion test to get good data about your metabolism. If you’re already with a dr, they should be able to adjust your thyroid meds if you are really eating 1500 cal, low carb / whole food (with no artificial sweetner) and not losing weight with that much exercise they should have probable reasoning to adjust your meds. I would guess with that much exercise at your weight you should be able to eat more and still possibly lose some. My RMR is about 550 cal per day below where it should be, it makes losing far harder than it should be and Ive done all of the tricks short of regular ice baths and T4/T3 (my levels are actually low but ok) , but slow progress is still progress. Im in it for forever, and believe I can get there.

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