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One Quick Trick for Intermittent Fasting

Are you guys as sick as I am of looking at the nutritional labels on different products and wondering “will this break my fast?”, while trying to discern whether zero calories really means zero calories?

Well I figured out a trick that helped me make sure I was maintaining a fasted state during my fasting window.

Let’s say your fasting window is from when you wake up to 2 pm. The only thing you need to do (I know, just one thing! It really is that simple!) is this; from the time you wake up, all the way up until 2, don’t FUCKING EAT ANYTHING

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Try to not rationalize it.
You are talking yourself into eating

If you really need to eat it go ahead. But don’t think it is “not breaking my fast”Try again tomorrow. It gets easier.

And it is ok to give yourself permission to enjoy a meal out with family and friends sometimes. No big deal.
No harm no foul. Just pick it up again tomorrow.

Otherwise what are we doing it for anyway??


Thank you! I’m doing IF for weight loss. If it’s not my eating window, I can have water, seltzer or tea (because I only like it black/no sweetener). No coffee, because I only like it with milk. That’s it. If I have to take medicine, I don’t worry about it. I take the medicine. In my eating window, I eat mostly healthy things, but I don’t count calories, macros, carbs or anything else. It’s simple and straightforward, which is part of why it appeals to me.

When I started, I read somewhere that if you’re hungry, do something to distract yourself and you’ll probably find that the feeling is gone in 20 minutes or so. I have found that to be true. I’ve never understood the desire to make it complicated or to go looking for loopholes, but, hey, if it makes people happy.

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Categories: intermittent fasting sick nutrition calories a fast weight loss eating window tea coffee macro carbs