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Options for short dry fast after stomach flu

I’m in a dry fast (~7 hrs so far) after four days of a bad case of food poisoning/ stomach flu - will spare the details but I began the fast with intestines already pretty empty. Every time I ate, the symptoms would get bad again. So I decided to cure it the way I would cure stomach flu in the past, by using a fast. This always used to work.

I’m doing a dry fast this time because even water was uncomfortable. However I hadn’t planned to do it dry, so didn’t prepare by the book. I have not done a dry fast before aside from with IF 16h max.

The few days before the fast were IF approx 15:9 and no added sugar, low carb.

I’m thinking about how long to do it for (keeping it short, but how short).

My only thoughts are that I may already have been a little under-hydrated going in, plus I don’t have a lot of body fat to draw on (lean female with lower bmi), plus I lost some water weight already since the stomach flu. I’m not interested in losing weight btw, only health and recovering from the symptoms.

Options are 18h, 24h, or 40h which would be the following morning. Don’t want to break it too close to evening in case the symptoms start again.

Wondering whether the sub here has any thoughts or anything that jumps out from what I have written.

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End of a flu is a bad time to start. Your electrolytes are depleted. Eat for a week or so, stay low carb and think of it as your carb fast then start a dry fast when you’re fully well.

I can see how it’s tempting to go from your momentum but use the lack of sugar in your blood and depleted glycogen stores to stay low carb and then in a week start a fast.

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