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I figured I’d gone down a pant size, so I ordered pants. I got corduroys because I LOVE corduroys and I haven’t owned any in a long time. So, the pants get here and I open them and I am super bummed: there’s no way in hell these pants are going to fit me. So, I decided, I am losing weight and I’ll just hang on to them and maybe in another 25 pounds, I can wear them. While getting ready for bed I decided to try them on to see how far I had to go and - they fit perfect!! I was so stinkin surprised! I really didn’t think they’d fit. Now, Ima wear my cords EVERYWHERE!

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I had this exact same experience!

Jeans were getting seriously ridiculously too baggy to keep wearing, if only the 90s were back in style. So I bought some two sizes down. Got them home and just looking at them I had this little voice go “this was dumb, look how small these are, you were silly to buy this size, you haven’t lost that much”. Put them on any ways and they fit fine. Figured in your head you get so used to clothes being a certain size that it has trouble catching up.


Yes!! I know this feel! All of my jeans are getting way too loose and I have to keep hitching them up. I recently found a pair of jeans I’d meant to donate last year because they had gotten way too small. Apparently I forgot to take that pair for donation. Tried them on and… they fit. Now I have at least one pair of jeans that isn’t falling off my waist!

Enjoy your cords! I was just thinking about buying myself some cords… recommendations?

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