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Parasites for fast food addiction

Is there such a thing as parasites for bad food choices ?

Cause I consider myself mentally strong, did multiple 4,5, even 6 days dry fast, but I ALWAYS go back to eating dogshit food, I literally can’t help myself, and I gain back all the lost weight.

Sooo, was wondering if doing an even bigger dryfast can cure me of my addiction, what do you guys think ? thanks

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Short fasts aren’t enough to reset your palate. Usually a 21 day water fast does it for me. I get off salt, sugar, oil and all processed foods completely. My favourite treats taste like garbage. You get a good 5-6 months of easy clean eating. Then repeat


Junk food is designed to trigger a big dopamine dump - to make you feel good. Food scientists will tweak a recipe to find the “bliss point” of a food.

My advice is to eat a lot of real food. Eat until you are full each meal. Maybe a little stuffed. Leave no room for hunger to trigger a junk food binge.

If you eat steak and eggs until you are full, it will be easier to walk away from the bag of chips.

You may have to kick the junk food habit before you can successfully try to lose weight.


I agree with RecklessRhea. A week is really not enough to do a mental reset. I did 21 days of water fasting in 2017 and that helped me rewire my mind. During the fasts I watched videos on healthy eating, reading about all the healthy stuff. Basically filled my mind with content about eating right.

After my fast I continued losing weight, never gained it back until I went on a 4 month vacation 10 months later. I would say pretty good!

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