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Parents of young children, what do you do when you start to get hangry?

Hi all, I recently restarted fasting and one challenge I’m finding is what to do when I start to get that pit of stomach hunger. I have a 3 yr and 1 yr, so tiredness and frustration (and love and fun) are already regular parts of my day, the hanger tends to make me feel more irritable. It does come and go throughout the day like a wave ebbing and receding. Any tips for when I’m really feeling it, so that the irritability doesn’t take over.

Is this common and do you just push through. Affirmations welcome.

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This is tough. I’ve got a 2 and 4 year old at home for winter break and have had the same issue the last two weeks. But I definitely seem to be hangry more when I’m eating foods high in sugar and flour during my eating window. When I eat mostly processed-free foods (cleanish), I don’t seem to have the mood swings quite as bad. I’d say push through the best you can and try to experiment with how different foods make you feel (easier said than done, I know!).


That’s a tough one. Have you played around with timing at all? If you can break your fast in preparation for the things that are most stressful that might help. Dirty fasting might be an option, too.

I know that I relied a lot on caffeine to curb my appetite, which helped, but has its own drawbacks.


Just have some hard-boiled eggs on standby in the fridge. Put salt on them and eat a few when you get stressed. They’re pure health, you can never go wrong with putting nutritious food in you. Or sip some black coffee


Interesting. I’ve never noticed myself becoming less patient. If anything, I’m more likely to kind of spoil my son when I’m hungry, because discipline takes more energy. Having a really consistent routine helps with that, though, because it just makes things easier in general.

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