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F,22,5’3 176lbs I had a baby a year ago and I’m at my pre pregnancy weight. I’ve been breastfeeding this past year and phew it has made me a bottomless pit. I never feel full. I also have PCOS and I crave sugar all day long. I can just eat and eat and eat. Yesterday I decided to start IF.. has this helped anyone with PCOS symptoms and will the constant hunger feeling go away lol?

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For me, IF allowed my body to “reset” my calorie needs after pregnancy and breastfeeding. I got down to pre-pregnancy weight while breastfeeding, but as soon as I stopped breastfeeding, I started gaining weight. I was definitely still eating more than I had before I got pregnant. Starting IF helped my stomach get back to its natural size, my appetite reduce, and my portion sizes reduced in response. I do have a diagnosis of PCOS as well.


One of the main problems with eating sugar is that it makes you want to eat more sugar…the only way to kill the crave is to stop eating sugar. It’s bloody awful for the first week or so but you’d be amazed at how quickly your taste changes and adapts until any added sugar makes something too unpleasantly sweet to eat. You can also taper your consumption of sugar over weeks until you’ve cut it out completely… for example-First cut out the sugar you’d physically add.. like to a drink, then start cutting out sweets and desserts, then work on cutting or modifying foods that contain hidden added sugar, like processed carbs/ overly processed ready made food /alcohol… taking as long as long as you need to adjust.

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Categories: sugar stomach portion size carbs alcohol