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People That're Dairy Free

Do you guys just mean actual dairy products like cow milk, cheese, cream etc,

Or actually any items at all that contains say “Milk powder” or “Whey protein” cause even things like some crisps contain whey.

I’m dairy free myself but I want to know if other items like the crisps etc really make much of a difference or if you should just stay clear of the actual dairy products.

Thank you!

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I’ve been plant based for going on 3 years now (I eat some vegan “junk food” here and there too). I started down this path because I was diagnosed with Lupus, a serious autoimmune disease, and I wanted to do everything I could to help my body. That’s my short story.

Personally, I eat no form of dairy, period. No powdered milk, no whey.. it’s all derived from animals, and it’s all inflammatory, and for me that’s a no-no.

Everyone has their reasons for eating how they do, so really it’s a personal choice. I’m not here to tell you how you should do anything, but I will say there are so many great completely dairy free options - why eat any form? It’s not doing you any good, that’s for sure. The science is there to back up how toxic dairy is, and I’m talking all forms.

You do you, though! You’re already headed down a great path though, why not just cut out the rest of that highly processed dairy?


I have a dairy intolerance and I have to avoid all animal based dairy. I can have dark chocolate in moderation, and if there is a little bit of milk in the caramel sauce at Starbucks, I’m fine as long as the majority of the drink is soy or almond. I use soy milk and oat yogurt for most things, and I have given up on finding a dairy free cream cheese, or cheese.


There’s several layer to this “dairy issue”.

Basic level is quality. I can stand conventional dairy, inflammatory and gives me stomach the ick. But organic high quality dairy? Sits like a dream. And I’ve heard(and seen) supposed “lactose intolerant” do fine with better quality dairy, so there’s probably more to that than people care to research.

Second layer is levels of lactose? Like surely (like most foods) you can consume too much, the barrier for dairy may just be at specific amount. Perhaps 1 glass is okay, but 1 glass of milk and then later some high lactose yogurt? Maybe that’s too much.

Third is the product, cheese (actual real good quality cheese) has next to no lactose. Yogurt? While there is sugar content, the sugar (lactose) should be extremely low as it’s broken down by the bacteria (also consumption seems to help with dairy all together). Whey protein can be fine for many as well (results between concentrate and isolate vary) if you’re feeling off after it… it’s probably the sweeteners and preservatives in with it.

To answer your question directly, if you can tolerate small amount of dairy then just go nuts. If any dairy screws with you, then best to avoid.


Shouldn’t you focus more on how these items make you feel? For example, if you’re dairy-free because of an intolerance, then something like whey can trigger that intolerance and make you feel pretty shit. But if you’re dairy-free for some other reason, then it’s fully up to you.

You’re asking if these other ingredients “make a difference” but it’s not at all clear what you mean by that. Make a difference in how you feel? Make a difference in the ethical production of dairy in your country? Make a difference on a community-unity anti-dairy mob level?

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