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People who completed 30+ day water fasts…

Hello! As title suggests, if there are people who have completed very long water fasts, I would like some input and tips. My longest was 2 weeks which I have done twice. One I did while working and the other time was during university. So I know for me at least it might be doable. My question is how do you manage it socially? Do you explain you are fasting or come up with excuses to not eat? In my experience the former has led to some annoying experiences with people who think you MUST eat and not fast. And do you strictly only drink water? Do you drink black coffee or tea during fasts? Would zero calorie sweeteners or energy drinks break the fast for you?

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I find that I do best when I isolate as much as possible. Food is such an integral part of the human experience that it’s impossible not to have to exert willpower on a daily basis when it comes to socializing. I ask my family to not eat around me or mention food, or to even cook things that have powerful smells. It helps a lot, especially in the first week. I have my own specific challenges, however, specifically a sugar addiction, so the first 21 days are awful for me.

As far as whether I do a “clean” water fast or not? I say, whatever gets the job done. I think the mild elitism around water only is a bit much. Any fasting, even “dirty” fasting, is far better than continuing to have a poor diet. Just keep in mind that not all artifical sweeteners are the same and that things like coffee, tea, and mio(sucralose based falvorant) are generally fine. It can make it more difficult for you if you associate sweet things with food and psyche yourself out, making the urge to break your fast worse.

Hope this helps.

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