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People who eat sticks of butter, are you having routine bloodwork done?

I see these YouTube carnivores who only eat sticks of butter and steak and claim to be in wonderful health. I’m genuinely curious. Not hating.

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I’ve been keto for 5 years and then carnivore for the last three. It’s true my cholesterol is high but my hdl to trig ratio is 7:1. Although my LDL is high, my cac score is zero. All other bloods are fantastic and my GP is happy. Turned around my prediabetes and lost 20kg of weight. More energy that is stable throughout the day and I get to eat food I genuinely enjoy eating which gives me joy.


Most people that eat ridiculously high amounts of saturated fat like butter and really fatty meats usually have really bad blood work. Cholesterol markers are usually high, test levels are usually low, etc. That’s the thing with the keto diet I never understood. For me, it worked really, really well, but I never listened to the zealot’s advice on how to do it. I didn’t add sticks of butter to my coffee and meals, I didn’t just eat tons of ghee and coconut oil, I counted my calories, etc and my blood work was outstanding. Thomas Delauer has a lot of iffy advice on his channel, but he said it the best. Get lean proteins to consume and then add your fats to the meals to reach your macros.


OP for what it’s worth. I recently started a kind of “animal based” diet where I eat about 70% of my calories from animal products (mostly beef) and 30% from fruit and I dabble with some white rice.

My labs are better now than they ever have been. 35 years old, Testosterone is back up, my triglycerides are good (LDL is high) not an issue if you dig a little bit.. everything else within range. Yes I eat butter, not sticks at a time but I wouldn’t be against it if someone wanted to eat it.. I only cook in tallow, butter or ghee.

Not only are my labs good but I feel much better, too.

PS Olive oil should almost never be cooked in, and never consumed unless it is extra Virgin and organic.. even so, around 300* it oxidizes and is no better than the fry oil at McDonald’s..
cook in butter/tallow as they do not breakdown or oxidize like seed oils.


There actually was a tribe called the inuit who lived in North Canada who were Eskimos that pretty much ate fish and like whale blubber their whole lives and while I think their life expectancy was a bit below average they weren’t dropping dead of heart disease at very young ages like was what was expected of an only fat only meat diet

Here’s a study j found on them how they had gene mutations to help handle the high fat in their diet


Def not saying to do this I think the effect of fiber are profound and irreplaceable but find it funny how demonized meat is yet here are these Eskimos on a all you can eat seafood buffet

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