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Pep talk?

Hi, I had great success with IF last summer/fall. Then had a string of illnesses in my family and I fell off the wagon. (Stress eating is my jam.) I was going to start again then another major medical issue in Jan with another member of my family, we’re pulling out of that now and also just moved. I’m finding myself being very mean to myself about my body, my energy, and feeling just not great. Would love if anyone here has experienced this and pulled through, tips, cool videos, anything to help me see the light. I know I can do it and right now I feel very exhausted/overwhelmed. And feeling like “I failed again”. I’m doing my second IF today (18:6) after months off. Any encouragement welcome, thank you.

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Don’t try and be perfect, every day just try and make small changes you can stick with. I figure if I do well 80% of the time, thats better than yesturday/last week/last month. I’m similar and super good with excuses “crazy day at work, I’ll just have wine and some chips tonight”, my Gran had a stroke a few weeks ago and I have been at the hospital daily after work, and constantly tell myself “just grab take out, you’ve had a long day, you shouldn’t have to cook/clean”, I push through those,cause i know I’ll feel worse the next day, and then will do it again cause “you’ve had a long day, don’t feel great, just one more day”

I meal prep so everything is ready, little excuse not to have it. I also don’t track calories (but do do IF) Fri/Sat so I make deals with myself…just make it to Friday and you can have XYZ…bonus by Friday, I don’t want most of it instead of having had it every day that week.

Its hard, and I know people say look at the long term, but I do better looking focusing on day to day. If I think long term, I’m like “I have 6 months, extra fries won’t matter today!” I need to think of the day to day, just get through today.

Not sure if any of that helped, super rambly lol

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