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Period Weight Gain?

I have lost 40 lbs. I would like to lose around 70 more lbs. I am doing 18:6 with an occasional 24 hr fast. I am eating around 1800 cal, and my fitbit charge 5 says burning 3200 + calories a day (which I understand can be somewhat inaccurate). I have recently added in some strength training along with cardio. I do have PCOS/ Insulin Resistance. I only usually weigh myself once or twice a month. However, I stepped on the scale this morning, and I have lost nothing in 7 days. I am 4 days out from starting my menstrual cycle. I usually do not weigh myself around it. Is this normal
 like fluid retention possibly? I really do not want to eat less than 1800 calories a day at any point 😅

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In my experience it’s normal. I typically only see weight loss for the first half of my cycle (period starting and the week after) and I stay steady the next 2 weeks. I would guess it’s fluid retention


Totally normal. The week before my period is usually flat to gaining, and I don’t get a whoosh until several days into my period or at its end. Stay strong - the mental game of weight loss while female is a doozy đŸ€Ș


Women have a rough life. Hahaha Actually I never had this problem until after I had a kid. My periods postpartum are SOOOO different. I know will either gain or stall for no joke, weeks. And get super fluffy and the “whoosh” doesnt happen over night anymore, it takes me 3-5 days. Bodies are weird. Womens bodies are weirder.


It’s not uncommon for weight loss progress to stall, especially when you’re dealing with a hormonal condition like PCOS/Insulin Resistance. During your menstrual cycle, it’s common for your weight to fluctuate due to water retention, and that can impact your scale weight. It’s important to remember that the number on the scale is not the only indicator of progress. If you’re feeling good, and your clothes are fitting better, then it’s possible that you’re building muscle, which weighs more than fat. Try to focus on your overall health and well-being, and keep up with your 18:6 fasting and strength training, which will help you reach your goal in the long run.


It’s normal and due to the two different hormones during the cycle: first half is estrogen, who “loves” fasting and intense exercise, take advantage here to fast for longer and hit the gym harder! Second half is progesterone and this is the one that loves the coach, a blanket, Netflix and so many carbs. Without going wild, it’s better to go easy these two weeks to make sure you’re producing plenty of it to keep you and your cycle healthy :)


I weigh every day and have noticed I “lose” weight during my period, but it goes back up when it’s over, creating a little “u” shape in my weight chart each time. Our bodies are all different but I would definitely take changes during that week with a grain of salt!


I gain like seven pounds of water weight during my cycle. It starts about 2-3 before and doesn’t go away until about 24-48 hours after my period is over. However, when I fast before and during my period I experience less bloating and cramps overall even if the scale doesn’t reflect that. Then when the water weight goes away I find I have usually lost about 1-2 pounds of fat that week, I just didn’t know it until the water weight went away. So while it feels frustrating, you’re likely still making progress. Be sure to get an extra hour of sleep each night too-that helps tremendously. Also Vitex (chaste berry) supplement really helps with bloating, mood and balancing your hormones. I use the Nature’s Way from Amazon. Hope this helps you!

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