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Pleasantly surprised at how relatively easy 24 hour fasts have been

I’ve been on and off using IF for a handful of years now, but only simple 18:6 or 20:4 windows and nothing more. I saw good results last time but I admittedly kinda fell off the wagon. In that time, I changed jobs from physical labor to a desk job and I gained almost 30 lbs to reach the heaviest I’ve ever weighed, 207 lbs.

Recently, I’ve adjusted to a slightly different routine of 16:8 on the weekdays but kinda OMAD where I’ll have a protein bar at lunch and then get the rest of my calories for the day (at a slight defecit) all at dinnertime. On Saturday I’ll have my cheat day where I won’t go too crazy but largely won’t care what I eat. Then on Sunday I stop eating at noon so I can begin a 24 hour fast that ends right at lunchtime to eat my protein bar for lunch on Monday.

I was a bit intimidated to do a routine 24 hour fast. I’ve done it before as part of a fundraiser back in high school, and I distinctly remember being miserable (though I was also an athlete, which made practice quite tough). However these last 5 weeks I’ve been pleasantly surprised! The 24 hour fast being (mostly) over by the time I wake up for work has been pretty helpful for me, where I can just grind my work out for a few hours then I can eat again! I must say, the hardest part is Sunday evening, especially since I am a recreational weed user, and the munchies hit so hard on Sunday evenings haha.

I started the IF (without the 24 hour fast) about two months ago and added in the weekly 24 just over a month ago, and I’m down 14 lbs to 193! I have an end goal in mind somewhere around 175 or so, and this has been really encouraging progress!

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Wow, having my OMAD at breakfast would be super hard for me. I put my eating window from 6pm to 12am because I was a bad evening snacker before I started IF. I’ve managed to get the snacks down to one or two in my eating window, but they are ketovore/carnivore.

Sorry I was responding to the breakfast eater, lol


That’s definitely an issue with smoking weed if you’re an IFer. Sweet things and junk food taste soooo good.

Would keto candy and cakes satisfy you the same? Might be worth looking into. Then at least if you’re eating something then it’s sugar free.

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