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Guys please please help me. :(

I haven’t fasted now for months. I was doing ADF in the summer and it was gonig well but then there were some stressful bits of my life that kinda took over. I have some depression and anxiety but I don’t want to let it hold me back. In the Summer I was able to fast despite my anxiety but now I just can’t seem to be able to do it. Please please help. I am a 200 lbs, 180 cm male and my goal weight is around 145 lbs. I was 154 lbs just before covid and even in 2020 Dec I was at like 167. Like I said I stress eat a lot and I can’t stop eating once I start. I def have eating disorder as I tend to eat all my chips as soon as I open them, same thing with biscuits. I have been eating out a lot and I just can’t seem to stop. PLEASE HELP. Please leave comments on how you guys gave up your eating disorders. As I write this, I am thinking to get Breakfast special at my school. I don’t understand. :( I am really upset. And I feel like this weight has made me so lazy. I should also mention that in 2018 I lost 40 lbs by just doing OMAD. But I can’t even seem to do OMAD. I find once I start to eat, I can’t stop. :( I prefer ADF but its harder in the beginning. ADF is alternate-day fasting.

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You’re going to extremes and setting yourself up for failure. Build on successes. Do a one day fast once a week. Eat 16/8 or 18/6 on weekdays and give yourself weekends off. Choose something you can do and start with that, build from that. People often want to go to extremes and then feel like failures for not sticking with it. But IF should be a lifelong journey, not a quick fix.


I have the same issue with being unable to stop eating once I start. The easiest thing for me to do was not eat on certain days (Sun, Tues, Thurs). I have been doing a 36hr fast followed by exercise (weight training mostly but some cardio). I have found that I feel great the days I don’t eat and am very productive. Been doing this since August and am down 30lbs.


Binging is classified as a disorder when its accompanied by purging.

Binging in and of itself is just an eating pattern. Nothing “wrong” or “bad” about it.

Today I binged on 3 eggs, sausages, kimchi, fried rice, fries, a burger, sizzling chicken, a pineapple, soda and 3 cups of coffee with heavy cream and sugar. I may have gone a little overboard with the fried rice, could’ve eaten half the amount and reached the same level of satiety. Aside from the mild heart burn that followed I have no regrets.

This fullness will carry over to tomorrow. Confident I’ll be able to complete tomorrow’s 48 hour fast to be able to binge on Sunday family dinner.

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