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podcast recs? for changing relationship to food

any podcasts or audio books that you’ve found helpful in reframing or understanding our relationship to food and eating?

Stop Fasting Alone.

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Anything from Rhonda Patrick on YouTube is really helpful to understand the real scientific reasons why good diet/fasting is important. I feel like understanding these scientific principles can really change our perception of food and eating.

Whenever I take a turn on my diet that I’m not satisfied with, I go back to her videos. Helps pull me back every time


Ethan Suplee!!!


This is not a show about intermittent fasting, although occasionally a guest discusses it. Instead, the host is a formerly obese, 550 pound person who now weighs about 250 pounds (and is totally shredded). He’s very earnest and sincere about his struggles to change his relationship with food to achieve this huge, difficult accomplishment. He is non-judge mental about different methods of attaining and achieving better health, and he uses his personal examples to illustrate, but never to judge, or to say that he knows the best way for anyone else. I highly recommend every single one of his episodes.

Ethan was in my name is Earl and Mallrats, he’s an actor.

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