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POLL: When fasting and still eating 2 meals, which meal do you "skip"?

I’ve been debating on if I should start fasting before dinner time or if I should keep skipping breakfast. What do you do and what is your reasoning?

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Do whatever works best for you. I used to be a habitual big breakfast eater. Then I found out that just coffee and water until 1pm works great for me. I’m not “starving” barely even hungry now. I love breakfast foods, so I eat breakfast for dinner sometimes or go out to brunch on the weekends and eat an early small dinner. I view IF more as a way to manage calorie intake than a challenge to my fast time. Makes it really sustainable for me. But that’s me, not everyone else. We’re all different, so try different tactics until you find what’s sustainable for you.


I have trouble falling asleep when im hungry but i feel great when i already do things in a fasted state in the morning. I get a huge rush of energy entering 14+ hours fasted and i dont struggle with hunger during the day. i dont eat breakfast basically and it works extremely well for me, better than i could have ever imagined


Skipping breakfast is easier for me, because I can’t sleep when I’m hungry and it keeps lunch and dinner available for social reasons. And I found that with an adequate dinner I don’t feel hungry until about noon or maybe even afterward. But you should do what works for you.


I have a meal around 10am then another before 4pm. I’ve tried several different routines and this one seems to work best for me. Sometimes I get a little hungry at bedtime, but drinking water helps. I drink black coffee in the morning and lots of water throughout the day.


I skip dinner for now, only because I’ve never been a big dinner person, I am single so I can eat whenever I want. this also helps me to eat healthy and eliminate snacking

If I get a relationship I’ll move to skipping breakfast because I would like to eat dinner with my SO. Never snack in the morning anyway so this would be also a easy change


I read that eating breakfast and skipping dinner is best metabolically but I just can’t do it. I’m a mindless snacker so if I’m not busy doing something after work I’m going to eat regardless if I’m hungry or not.

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