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Post Fasting Adjustment Period

I just finished a 9 day fast to improve my long Covid symptoms and abdominal pain.

My re-feed was steamed fish and a bit of yogurt and didn’t seem to cause any issues. However, on the second day I had smoked oysters for lunch and steak for dinner.

I felt fine at the time but woke up with pain in the night and threw up some bile. I still feel better today than pre fast by a long shot despite the unwelcome stomach issue.

Is this type of thing normal on a re-feed or more likely due to my long Covid problems?

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frankly you went too fast remember it was a 9 days fast

first 3 days should be very light food like

1rst day coconut water or veg broth

2nd fruits or thick soup

3rd light small meal/s of what you want and vegs balanced if posss

4th day medium meal/s after that eat as normal all those are jut an example could be something totally different just slow eating the first 3 days


if you threw up bile like vomit, that may be a sign that your GI tract is not up to the task of passing the amount or the quality of food you are taking in.

Gall bladder’s bile content tends to stay stagnant and may have formed a sludge due to the lack of movement during the 5 day fast. It happens often in women, especially mid-aged or pregnant women - but a long fast would do that too.


This is most likely what happened:

Gall bladder was stimulated in response to your diet. From the foods you listed, it seems like you’ve taken in a large amount of fatty diet (oyster and steak) -> this will lead to release of bile -> small intestine still sluggish after 5 day inactivity -> combination of fatty food (chyme) with bile backs up -> stomache fails to empty into the duodenum (where stomache empties into small intestin) -> regurgitation of bilious chyme.


Allow your GI tract to return to its full capacity - small portions and easy food such as soup, juicy fruits, etc… If you still experience the symptoms at the end of the 3rd day, I would consider seeking out medical help.


good sample diet as listed by another of us here:

[[first 3 days should be very light food like

1rst day coconut water or veg broth

2nd fruits or thick soup

3rd light small meal/s of what you want and vegs balanced if posssible]]

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