| | Water Fasting

Post-Holiday fast, holy crap!

So I decided to break ketosis & IF, and drink a bunch from the week before Xmas kinda through New Years. I didn’t overeat per se, though much more than my usual. Booze almost everyday. Chips and rice after a year of abstaining.

I decided to just have a good time with my family and get back to the grind in the new year. In some ways it felt really unmooring, in other ways it felt really good.

I had started that period at 182 lbs and ended it at 189. In the past, if something like that happened, I would tell myself it was water weight, and then a few months later it would still be with me.

I am on hour 68 of a fast right now, and I weighed in at 182.6 lbs! I was expecting some of the holiday weight to stick on, but turns out, most of it really was water! I’m floored! And excited to know that, for the first time in my life, I can see a future where there are holidays and vacations that I indulge during, and that doesn’t have to set me back. Ketostix are dark and I’m ready to jump back into eating keto and IF.

I love fasting! It’s like a cheat code. Hope y’all are having similar experiences.

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I am so excited to see this post today! I just broke a 72 hr fast last night for a special family dinner and ate a large meal of mostly protein, fats and veggies but also some carbs (a brioche bun and a small serving of fries). I am doing rolling 48-72 hr fasts, so I’m into my next 48 now. I plan to stay keto for most mealtimes, but this one was an exception and I was a little worried, since I am down about 8lbs as of yesterday. Curious to see what happens once I get further into this fast. Hopefully it’s this!


wow basically the same thing happened to me, even our weights are similar. I didnt even go too hard for christmas, and still ended up going to like 194. a few days of keto and a 4 day fast and it’s all gone

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Categories: ketosis a fast holidays keto dinner carbs 4 day fast