| | Water Fasting


Whenever I take potassium I feel something weird in my heart. It’s like if my heartbeat is weaker…it’s difficult to explain. But it is not a nice feeling.

I mix in 2 liters of water (along with salt and magnesium) 1400 mg of potassium citrate (which is 504 mg of elemental potassium).

I drink it distrubuted along the day.

Anybody feels the same? Am I doing something wrong? is it normal?

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I’ve always had issues taking potassium supplements, and I had tried many different kinds. I’d experience discomfort, bowel issues, etc.

I’ve switched to sipping on kraut/kimchi juice as needed throughout the day. That works for me, because I love that shit, but it’s not for everyone. It satisfies my salt/potassium needs, and then I take a bit of magnesium powder at night before bed. I’ve fasted for weeks this way with no issues.

Experiment to find what works best for you.


It’s very possible you don’t actually need to be doing that - particularly on a short fast.

Extended fasts will require electrolytes usually after 48 hrs or so. If you are feeling light headed, often just a little bit of salt is all that’s necessary.

For me I can tell I need potassium if I feel paranoid/anxious/flighty and sometimes a minor eye twitch.


I take about 500mg of potassium after a few days into the fast, and daily after (along w a tiny bit of Pink Salt and 500 mg magnesium). It’s never at the start, as your body should have stores of electrolytes for the first few days. Drinking tons of water will deplete those after a few days, and you’ll never to take them daily when they run out, so your body can function normally.


Why potassium citrate? I bet that tastes pretty terrible. Potassium chloride has a much more neutral taste and is highly soluble.

Potassium is probably the most tricky electrolyte. I think I’ve had minor issues with electrolyte balance most often coupled with drinking too many caffeine drinks and getting dehydrated. So maybe lay off a bit on the coffee and tea and it might be easier to balance.


Are you drinking fresh water besides this ? I use 500mg potassium chloride for very long fasts - so quite a bit less than you.

You should listen to your body and if you have confirmed potassium is causing these feelings, then either eliminate potassium or drop the concentration or drink more fresh water.

How long are you fasting for ?


I have to supplement potassium every day, but especially fasting days.

My father had SEVERE heart disease and arrhythmias and had to take giant horse pills of potassium because his body couldn’t hold on to it and he would have extreme muscle cramping.

When I found out about his issues I did some research and found several chronic issues I have were addressed by supplementing potassium. Restless legs and Charlie horses, constipation, on top of more common electrolyte balance issues.

My point is that every body is different. Does potassium (high or low) contribute to heart problems? Absolutely. Is it normal for a spoonful of No-salt or Lite-salt to cause palpitations or arrhythmia? Absolutely not.

Don’t mess around with it. This is one thing you should have your own levels tested and look for advice from a medical professional and not Reddit.


I have multiple heart arrhythmia’s and consume supplemental potassium everyday. My arrhythmia’s don’t seem to be any better or any worse. I just got back on my indoor bike to prepare for the spring cycling season, and my heart is doing a little complaining about that. Anyways, I don’t think supplemental potassium is an issue for most people. Provided you stay within the RDA range for your sex. Also, I just switched from No-Salt to Lite-Salt, so my potassium dosage is a little lower. I need a little extra salt due to the exercise. Oh, my doctor does blood draws every three months and my potassium levels are in the normal range, so don’t over do it!


Whats your sodium intake? It sounds like sodium-potassium inballance.

Just for a reminder:
Lyle McDonald set it the daily minimum amount as:
5000 mg of sodium
1000 mg of potassium
300 mg of magnesium


Thanks all for your advises. I stopped taking it and my weird feelings are gone. will not take potassium.I will do a 3 or 4 days fast in two weeks and will see how my body works with only salt and mag.


I’m not a doctor, but consider a blood test to check kidney function. I only say this because I know excess potassium is removed by your kidneys, and when your kidneys don’t work well, you need to pay attention to potassium intake.

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Categories: potassium heart weak magnesium shit extended fast electrolytes pink salt potassium chloride coffee tea muscle sodium kidney