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Prepping for my first 48hr fast, anything I should do differently?

I’m going to do a 48 hr fast from Sunday PM to Tuesday PM. I’ve never fasted longer than 24hrs before but I’m busy at work on Monday and then Tuesday so really it’s just Monday evening that will be tricky, but excited to try.

I’ve got some electrolyte tablets and some electrolyte powder that I’ll use throughout Monday and Tuesday.

I’ve been doing OMAD and eating my normal healthy-ish diet sticking to around 1400-1600 cals a day.

Should I do anything different on Sunday to prepare for it? More calories than normal?

Thank you!

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No more calories, but you definitely should focus on your protein and good fats. Like always, actually. Beverages and electrolytes. That’s it. You can sip one cup of homemade bone broth if you have it and you want it on the second day. Good luck!


.0. Take your supplements and multivitamins.

.1. Stomach growling is not hunger. It’s just a reminder that you’ve normally eaten at this time in the past. No big deal. Actual hunger pains wash over your like momentary lightheadedness or stomach cramp and goes away within a minute or two.

.2. You probably don’t need to supplement salts until you hit the 36+ mark, but if you get a headache, that’s a clue your either thirsty or low on electrolytes.

.3. Dandelion tea has potassium and is a good source of that electrolyte without having to drink salty water.

.4. If you find yourself opening the fridge or the pantry, go for a walk. Something about walking tricks your brain into thinking your solving the “hunger problem” without actually putting calories in your mouth. Besides, why tease yourself.

.5. Unless you’re into that kind of thing, I sort of am, and have been known to bake cakes for my roommate to eat while I’m on a 48 hour fast. The willpower involved to not lick the bowl, spoon, etc. is not insignificant however and counts as its own Non Scale Victory in my humble opinion.

.6. A shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (with Mother) will not break your fast and can supply your face with a tart flavor if plain teas and water begins to wear on you.

.7. Be wary of teas with “natural flavors” or artificial sweeteners if you’re trying to clean fast. This is a controversial topic b/c some people cannot fast without their artifical sweeteners and will defend them vigorously.

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