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Pressing F for anyone struggling like me during Christmas season

It’s too rough trying to keep fasting with so many gatherings with so many groups, so I eased everything up and just skip breakfast… but I almost can’t help stuffing myself full every meal, and even snacked this morning right before lunch. It’s not just the mental thing of trying to keep my IF streak, it’s also my body going from “looking decent” to real fuckin bloated at the waist in the span of what, seven days? (Edit: update im having tummy issues now, ie the morning after a night of overeating. ouch.)

Ugh 😫 Social situations are the worst. I’m gonna try a slightly longer fast tomorrow (maybe 18:6, OMAD if it feels right) and see if I feel better. Hope everyone else is doing better than I am. Happy holidays!

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Im doing better than I thought I would. But I’ve realized one off day or an off week is okay. You have to look at the bigger picture! Let’s say you do really well at intermittent fasting for a whole year but struggle during the holidays. So maybe 13 days or a whole month did not go well. Compare that to the other 352 days or 11 months you did well. Don’t give up because you feel guilty right now and have a “what’s the point” attitude. (I’ve struggled with this A LOT in the past). You got this!


In the same boat - was doing great, finally broke past my 2-month plateau, and hit 239. Then Come the holiday season. My feeling is I have the discipline and have seen the results, just a matter of getting back on plan just after new years.

Don’t kick yourself, you’re not alone.


I gave up until pass the holidays. I am just being careful with no overeating too much. So far I am doing okay. Was able to have small medium portions but no fasting at all at least until the second week of January as I am about to go on vacation as well.


It’s incredibly hard to maintain in the holidays but i just told myself its one or two days off from fasting to enjoy myself and friends and family and in the long run wont even set me back hardly at all. Just enjoy and then get back to it consistently after! Hope this helps! Good luck to you!


My holiday season has been awesome…except in terms of my eating, where it has been AWFUL. But I’m determined to get back on the horse starting tomorrow, and I’m hoping I haven’t set myself back too much.


I hate not fasting but since I have the flu I’m not restricting anything but surprisingly since I’m not eating as much I’m not gaining. Pretty sure my brain is becoming programmed to this lifestyle and I’m happy about it


I feel ya.

I did a few nights of Hanukah parties back to back, and now Christmas with my other half of the family. Wooooof. So many sweets.

But it’s ok, it’s just a week and then I’ll be back to my normal foods/meals. I’m still keeping a sort of lazy IF. I usually eat 1-6/7pm, alcohol only once a week, no weed. But with all the parties, family, friends, etc I’ve smoked twice, drank like 4 days in a row, and my eating window slipped to 11-9pm at the worst point a few days ago.

Life, and IF, are about putting in the work though. So get back on the proverbial horse and keep on walking.

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