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Prolonged fasting every week? Is it too much?

I’m heavily overweight and I want to lose a lot of fat.

My goal is to ONLY eat on the weekends for several weeks, or even months.

Is it too much? What would you guys suggest?
(I’m not new to fasting, I have 1 year of fasting experience)

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I’d suggest fasting every other day. Very manageable long term, won’t harm your health or your social life (not that extended fasting would harm your health but there’s more prep to make it safe).Give it 6 months and I bet your within a “normal” weight range


I agree with the other feedback. Check out the complete guide to fasting by Jason Fung..he has a variety of protocols to follow that might work for you. He suggests doing 7 day fasts (not exactly what you’re describing but close) no more than once per month and switching it out with 42 hour fasts. 42 or 72 hour fasts would keep your progress going but wouldn’t be as hard on your system as the protocol you’re describing. You’d get more sustainable results in the long run.


You can, but I like all the other suggestions too.

I’ll say, really on I could not do ADF. I just couldn’t pull it off. Then, over time, I feel into it.

Then i couldn’t really do 72 hour fasts. In the last week-ish I’ve done two 3 day fasts and one 2 day fast. 🤷‍♀️ Rn I can’t seem to do a 5 day fast… but let’s see what happens with time.

My point being, don’t feel bad if you can’t make it to 5 day fasts every week right away.

My journey to now took 5 months.

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