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Pulse during DF?

Does anyone monitor their pulse during a dry fast? I’m 24 hours into one and my pulse is 48.

For context, my pulse is usually 53 or so in the morning before I eat. (I usually eat 2 meals a day in a 6 hour window or so) It’s usually in the 60s after I eat, until bed. I’m just curious how your pulse changes during a fast. For background, I’m 3.5 years on the carnivore diet.

Update: I’m at 86 hours and my pulse is 50.

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I monitered it a few times but not too much. I wouldn’t worry too much unless it gets incredibly high. How many days are you trying to go? Anything less than 3 ya honestly don’t have to worry about. I just finished an 11 day DF and although my pulse is usually higher, it would fluctuate alot during the fast depending on the day and the processes going on internally. I didn’t worry if it got too high, more just when it was barely audible or low, typically would tell me to take it easier as I was more low energy or lethargic. But yes it can tend to fluctuate, not a big deal. Your body is trying to do alot of cleansing/healing and the signs come in different forms. Pains, headaches, pressure, numbness, nausea, high or low blood pressure, as well as fast or slow heartrate/pulse.


Sort of. I’m not worried about small fluctuations such as the above, but if I can feel my heart racing, I take note of what’s happening. If it goes above 120 (assuming no other reason) for more than 5-10 minutes then I would take it as a signal to stop my fast (as recommend by Filonov).


A bit into the fast the pulse usually rises because it´s a stressful thing on the body. There´s an upper limit, not sure if it applies to all, but if one starts to get like 125 resting heart rate then it´s time to stop…
Interesting with a lower pulse. Even if it´s still early. In one way or another it should mean that the food is stressing your heart? I mean, not in a way that there is something to worry about, it´s still a good resting pulse. But interesting.


I’m not doing this for weight loss. I have autoimmune problems, but it’s interesting I’ve only lost 1 or 2 pounds in 64 hours. I figured it would be 6 or 7. The carnivore diet is great for not retaining water. I think this is the reason.

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