I know if weight loss is the goal, one should consider low-carb or keto too. But in terms of Dr Fung’s “whole food” goals, what are the OK carbs?
Clearly, “refined” flour is out. But is there such a thing as “unrefined” flour? I looked at a couple of stone ground, whole grain breads and the ingredients list contained “flour” (and two forms of sugar!). Are there any breads that qualify? Or should I stop looking?
What about beer?
I’ve read things saying that rice and potatoes are OK because they’re “whole foods”. Do you agree? What about corn?
You can mitigate the effects of carbs with two things: vinegar and fiber.
Vinegar retards the break down of starches into glucose, meaning that you’ll absorb less of the carbs that you ate.
Fiber, especially soluble fiber, will create a gel that lines your intestines, and will also reduce the amount of carbs that you absorb.
Vinegar and fiber should be taken before a meal, probably 20 minutes before so for best results.