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quality black Coffee on water fast. please read inside.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, so Iā€™ve done a 7 day fast once a year for about 10 years. so im not completely new to the entire fast thing and know exactly what Iā€™m getting myself into.

So I started my 7 day fast today (YAY) and the only reason why Iā€™m doing it is to get shredded like a Garden cricket. Male 33.

Now Iā€™m actually curious, has any of you ever drank black Coffee no sugar on your fast? Caffeine helps with hunger pangs and according to me increases your metabolic rate? So that tells me id be shredding more fat while doing this fast?

Anyone experiences with this?

Just to be clear, Iā€™m not trying to cleanse myself or health benefits. Iā€™m a fit guy who just finished his rugby season and want to get rid of some season fat. Until i have to pick it up from march againšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

I water fast every year after the season, but this time the coffee question poped up.

Thank you all and have a good week!! Good luck to everyone who is currently in their fast. You got this.

Pain heals, chicks dig scars and GLORY lasts forever!

EDIT: Please do not preach to me about electrolytes and crap. Iā€™m doing it my way, I just want some real life experiences about the coffee partšŸ¤”

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If doing espresso have a big ol glass of water first. Itā€™ll keep your stomach from hurting. Also, in Italy where espresso is more common, water always comes first.

Iā€™m way more sensitive to caffeine when on a fast. A cup at noon and Iā€™m up all night long. Gotta stop at one cup in the morning if I think Iā€™ll sleep.


I donā€™t drink coffee anymore, but when I did I did it while fasting. I didnā€™t have anything that was crazy quality, it was old Starbucks pumpkin spice blend. It felt like a warm hug. The same way that flavors of food stand out to you more after you fast, the black coffee wasnā€™t bitter and was really smooth. I wouldnā€™t take into account all the things about it increasing your metabolic rate though. If you have a problem with acid reflux it could make you nauseous or throw up. And if you get to the ā€œdonā€™t trust a fartā€ part of fasting, then it may do more harm than good.

Also, Iā€™m not trying to preach, but electrolytes can be necessary when youā€™re going for longer than 3 days. It helps your blood pressure, and caffeine increases susceptibility to muscle cramps and spasms. Itā€™s good for your heart, too. The most Iā€™ve gone is 5 days bc long fasts can trigger my BED, but electrolytes helped keep me refreshed and less lightheaded when fasting. Also helped my restless leg syndrome I experienced when fasted. Not necessary if you donā€™t fast too often, but just pay attention to your body.


Not on long fasts but I did a shot of black coffee (instant, mixed strong) followed by a glass of water in the morning during OMAD. The coffee isnā€™t the best quality since my Espresso pump isnā€™t working.

But I did try two days of Espresso shots when I spent a few days at my sisterā€™s and my stomach hurt like hell the second time.


I just did a few days fasting and noticed what seemed to be heart palpitations after about 3 days and 5 hours of not eating, with limited but insufficient replacement of electrolytes. Caffeine is going to act as a diuretic, so it will cause your body to lose water faster, which could marginally increase this effect. Diuretic effect seems to vary a lot with the caffeine dose, so that you wouldnā€™t even notice it at 100 mg of input (a cup of coffee), but it would be very pronounced at 400 (4 cups, a standard daily intake limit). Caffeine effect varies a lot by person, the stimulant part, and itā€™s possible the diuretic effect varies too.

It seems unlikely that limited caffeine input would affect metabolism and calorie expenditure enough to have much effect one way or the other, but again that would depend on how you react to caffeine, and dosage. If Iā€™m tired caffeine seems to affect me much differently, so that within a normal range energy level the normal stimulant effect works out, but based on feel sometimes my reaction is negative instead. I suppose effect on your stomach could potentially be an issue.


I like poor over coffee I make myself at home the best. I find buying big chain coffee black is disgusting. Starbucks taste like burnt shit. I fell in love with black coffee because of fasting and I havenā€™t gone back to cream and sugar since.


I have a mug of coffee almost everyday, and I do an elongated version of IF mostly. My mug is over 20 ounces lol, but it helps A LOT in getting my water intake. One of my apps only gives me credit for 60% of my intake, but whatever. 20 ounces is 20 ounces.

There is more research that says black coffee is still considered part of a clean fast, so I recommend enjoying it and you do you.

My only advice is to also drink plain water mostly (which it sounds like YOU do, Iā€™m saying it for the masses.)


I drink plenty of water but I do drink coffee. If I feel a little anxious or too much energy, Iā€™ll have 1 cup caffeine and the rest decaf for the day. Though my last fast, I slept horribly so I may try only decaf next time.


Hey. Iā€™m fairly new to fasting but did a 3-day recently, and do 16:8 IF most of the time. (For health reasons)

For me, through the 3 day fast and every single day on IF, i drink black coffee (no sugar) because I feel it suppresses my hunger, and cos I like it. Normally 2 cups a day.

I drink a high quality instant, fairly strong, as a large mug (so thereā€™s a fair bit of water in there). Iā€™ve never had any stomach issues whatsoever with this.

Maybe relevant - the first thing I do every day is skull about 500ml of water from my bed. Then a coffee shortly after.

Hope this helps!

Edit: where you and I probably differ is that Iā€™m doing it on the understanding it doesnā€™t raise insulin or blood sugar levels. Iā€™d be pretty cut up if I found that it did. Whereas you probably donā€™t really care about this factor!


Yes, coffee is allways good and its only negative is maybe a little dehydration and sleeping problems when consumed at the wrong timeā€¦
i personally have the rule to only take them before activity to not become ā€œnervous-activeā€.
the old saying that coffee is bad for your heart is totally outdated and the last time i researched how much coffee is safe and actually healthy it was like 10-12 cups or smth. like that which i still cant believe.


I would recommend opting for East African (Kenyan, Ethiopian) coffee or Indonesian (Java, Sumatra) because it tends to be less bitter than Colombian coffee without milk and sugar. Colombian coffee found here in the states tends to be quite bitter because a) different soil b) the good beans stay in Colombia and we get second rate here. I love me some Colombian coffee from the country, though.


Iā€™ve done black coffee on every day of my fast ever pretty much. Not sure there is any way to measure whether or not it will help for your intended case, but coffee is life so get some!

Iā€™ve also done coffee with a teaspoon of cream on some fasts. Iā€™m well aware of the fact that itā€™s like 25-50kcal and I donā€™t really care. It sometimes helps extend my fast by days or weeks.

Now with just about anything in this world, make sure itā€™s enjoyable coffee. Donā€™t go get some crap coffee from Starbucks. That is the only thing youā€™re drinking and putting effort into during the day eating/drinking wise. So treat yo self.

Iā€™ll recommend drinking a full glass of water before your cup of coffee if youā€™re doing that first thing in the morning, otherwise Iā€™m sure youā€™ll already have had some hydration prior if you displace your first cup by an hour or two which is also helpful IMO. Iā€™ve displaced my first cup by at least an hour on most days for the past 3 years and it feels like it helps me keep a better outlook, stay more energetic throughout the day, and definitely helps me get much needed hydration prior to coffee.

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