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Question about 16:8 intermittent fasting and low caloric/high protein diet

I’m a guy who is skinny fat (5’8 and 160-ish lbs), the fat usually accumulates around my abdomen mostly, and then secondly in my face. I’ve been trying to do regular caloric restriction with high protein diet along with full body workout 3 days/week. Progress is relatively slow and I can’t say I’ve been 100% consistent while trying to juggle work/school,etc.

However, I’ve been curious about 16:8 intermittent fasting specifically. So I’m trying to wrap my head around this…. Those of you who are doing this, are you eating however many calories you like within those 8 hours? Or are you still tracking calories just as you would in a regular non-fasting low caloric/high protein diet?

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> Those of you who are doing this, are you eating however many calories you like within those 8 hours?


> Or are you still tracking calories just as you would in a regular non-fasting low caloric/high protein diet?


I’m still eating at a deficit of about 1883 calories, with me being 6’0 and upper 240s, I want to keep losing body fat, so I stick to those calorie limits while for the most part eating 2pm to 10pm.

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