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Question about carbs

Hi, I’m new here. just started warrior diet a.k.a 20/4 diet like a week ago. Is it really ok to take carbs during my eating window? and also is there any restriction to the amount of food intake during that time? Thank you!

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I agree with everyone else - it really just depends on you. Your body will respond differently to carbs than mine, than Flo from Progressive , than Jake from State Farm’s. You need to test it yourself. Take it slow at first if you’re going to CUT carbs out - maybe 5-10g less every week until you see either a good or bad reaction. Try different types of carbs. Different amounts of fiber for the day, etc. If you get a bad reaction from being on low carbs then slowly go back up! See what you can tolerate or what makes you feel best then go from there!

For example-> I have PCOS and insulin resistance so I need to be careful about amount + type + WHEN I eat my carbs; I weight lift so carbs help me with powering through workouts. Personally, I can’t go full keto anymore. My body retaliated after 1 year of keto/carnivore so now I stick between 50-100g a day and feel great!

Main point: carbs aren’t the enemy. A lot of other people would say otherwise but it is a MACROnutrient for a reason. Your body will produce it regardless of if you eat them or not. It is needed for several biological functions, but it doesn’t NEED to be supplemented via food. Some people can get away with carnivore or keto because their bodies are able to produce the necessary endogenous glucose VERY efficiently - while people like me just can’t match their level of awesomeness. I found my sweet spot between what makes sense for my body and for my daily functional needs.

Just make sure no matter what you are listening to your body and talking to a doctor if you have any medical conditions to consider!


I eat all the carbs. If your fully fasted you can store like 400-500g of carbs. You’ll put on water weight but your muscles will be full and once your liver glycogen runs out you’ll start burning fat. Plus workouts won’t suck.

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Categories: carbs warrior diet eating window fiber low carb keto macro glucose muscle liver