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Question about fasting with essential amino acids

2005 was my longest fast at 21 days. That was “master cleanse” fast. Since then, fasting has fascinated me.

2021 I began alternating day fasting, with a 3-day fast once a month. I lost 90 lbs and reversed my ailments in less than a year(9-10 month). Fell off this regimen in October 2022 and put back another 35 lbs. I do know the cause of the fall off- due to emotions.

Toady I’m on my third day of my fast and planning on a pro-long fast. I have a cocktail of supplements/ vitamins. I plan on taking this cocktail daily, beginning tomorrow.

My question is…

what are your thoughts of Amino Acids?

I did purchase these already. Should I add these to my cocktail?

I appreciate your advice.

Goal is between 7-21 day fast. plans of light - moderate exercise.

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I’m taking L Glutamine in a last ditch attempt at healing my psoriasis that has gotten out of control. Fasting doesnt help on its own. Ciclosporine didnt so hoping no food and this will heal my gut and reduce this flare up. Im fairly sure they will prevent autophagy but thats not my goal with these fasts so 🤷‍♀️.

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