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Questions about starting

Hi, my sister’s friend told me about this diet, and I thought I’d check it out.

I’ve been looking over this subreddit and I’m finding some slang that I’m unfamiliar with - what are OMABs and rolling 48’s/72’s? Also if anyone could tell me other slang that floats around here that would be helpful.

I guess the most burning question I have is about how to actually do it - I’ve watched the videos but nothing is particularly consistent. 2L water, salts, and magnesium I get, (though the amount of salt seems steep to me, is it okay to dilute it more?) But where do the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar I’ve seen in some of the videos come in?

After the first 48 hour fast, and then the 72 hour fast he prescribes, do I just go as long as I’m comfortable fasting before I eat again? Is there a min or a max time I should watch out for?

I’ve also seen plain water being a yes and a no, different eating times being supported, and exercise being a yes and no (among other things).

Also the founder (Cole?) Keeps saying it’s not a ketogenic diet, or intermittent fasting but it really seems like it is a mix of the two. Am I wrong and not noticing something?

I’m trying to get as much information as I can before I start this, so any information about the way this works would be really helpful. Thanks!

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OMAB is actually OMAD and it stands for one meal a day.

Rolling 48s means fasting for 48 hours then eating, then fasting for another 48. Rolling 72s means the same with 72 hours.

> 2L water, salts, and magnesium I get, (though the amount of salt seems steep to me, is it okay to dilute it more?) But where do the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar I’ve seen in some of the videos come in?

In this video he talks about the salts https://youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg?t=219 but really the amount is what you feel fine with. If you find you’re getting lightheaded, try drinking more electrolytes (not too much at once though). I think in one video he says you should do half snake juice and half fresh water.

As for where the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar come in, the lemon juice you can have as much or as little as you want on fasting/refeed days (just make sure you don’t damage your teeth), but not on dry fasts. He recommends you do the apple cider vinegar 2x daily, also not on dry fasting days (dry fasting is just fasting without any water). Apparently ACV/lemon juice is good for your liver and kidneys. I’m not sure how necessary it is but I hear fasting can be harder on your kidneys because you’re drinking more water, so it doesn’t hurt to take the lemon juice and ACV.

> After the first 48 hour fast, and then the 72 hour fast he prescribes, do I just go as long as I’m comfortable fasting before I eat again? Is there a min or a max time I should watch out for?

Yep, no official max but in my opinion probably try to keep it under 7 days when you’re getting started. I think you want to make it into a habit you can do consistently since the first time is the hardest, trying to go as long as possible might give you complications and can scare you off.

> I’ve also seen plain water being a yes and a no, different eating times being supported, and exercise being a yes and no (among other things).

Plain water is a yes, in the video I linked earlier, at the end he talks about what kind of water you should have as well.

Morning eating is better so you’re not digesting overnight, but it’s more important to find a time that works for you that you can stick with.

Exercise is a yes, with snake juice you should still feel able to exercise even while fasting for days. Just might have to take more snake juice. Dry fasting I think is the only case where you might not want to exercise since I hear it really drains you.

> Also the founder (Cole?) Keeps saying it’s not a ketogenic diet, or intermittent fasting but it really seems like it is a mix of the two. Am I wrong and not noticing something?

Yeah it’s Cole. Right it’s not ketogenic, you can have carbs like fruit on refeed days, but you do go into ketosis rather quickly because you’re not eating. Not entirely sure on the definition of intermittent fasting but I think it refers to shorter 1 day fasts with a short eating window, while Cole advocates for multiple day fasts, as part of a lifestyle, sometimes multiple times a week, sometimes a few times a month, all depends.


The amount of salt seems like a lot until you realize how much salt you consume daily. When your body goes into ketosis, it starts burning through sodium pretty quickly. Unless you have heart problems, the extra sodium should be fine. Your kidneys can process an ungodly amount of sodium everyday.

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Categories: magnesium vinegar 48 hour fast 72 hour fast keto intermittent fasting omad one meal a day electrolytes dry fast dry fasting liver kidney habit morning digest carbs fruit ketosis eating window sodium heart