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QUESTIONS: Exogenous ketone base, inositol, vitamins

I’ve read a lot of differing opinions on this. Some say it actually prevents weight loss because the body stops producing its own, or something to that effect. Some say they’ve had great success with it. I don’t know what to think.
If you take it, how much? When? Can you reasonably attach any success you’ve had with IF to exogenous ketones? (Like, you ate the same way before and after using it, but after using it you lost more weight). I fast from 10 PM to 2 PM and usually get up at 7 or 8 AM, when I have my first coffee of the day. When should I have the ketones?

This supplement is all the rage in PCOS circles, but I assume some here use it too. I know what it says on the box, but how do YOU take it? When (like, when in your eating cycle).

When I wake up, I drink black coffee with cinnamon, chili and cardamom, and swallow down a bunch of vitamins with a 0 calorie electrolyte drink. The vitamins are a mix of minerals and oils. Is this a good idea? It makes fasting easier, but is it better for the fasting if I take them with my first meal?

Thank you for all answers!

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I don’t know how helpful I’ll be but I take myo-inositol with my daily vitamins only in my eating window. Otherwise, it makes me physically sick to the point of vomiting. If you can tolerate your meds without food and they aren’t a sugary gummy, I don’t see the harm in taking them while fasting.


Most vitamins are best taken with food for best absorption. Not sure what all you take but I believe A/D/E/K, calcium, and fish oil are all recommended to be taken with a meal. I would look up each one individually and check.


The best explanation of exogenous ketones I ever saw: “It’s like pouring someone else’s sweat over your head and thinking you worked out.” Ketones are an effect of fat-burning — they don’t cause fat-burning. Don’t waste your money.

I don’t know anything about inositol, so I’ll let others field that one.

I might suggest taking vitamins with a meal purely to improve absorption. Fat-soluble vitamins like A and D are better absorbed if taken with a meal. And if you have any nausea or stomach upset with your vitamins, taking them with a meal can help a lot.

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