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Questions from someone adjusting to Intermittent Fasting..


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  1. The answer is do what works for you. If you need to have a longer window one day, thats fine. What really matters for weight loss, since you mentioned that as your primary goal, is what and how much you eat. It doesn’t matter if you fast for 23 hours and eat for 1 hour, if you eat 5000 calories in that hour.

  2. Meals with protein and fats are going to be more filling that meals with empty carbs. Also things like green veggies are low in calories per volume. i.e. 1 cup of broccoli is 31 calories and 1 cup of rice is 200 calories.

  3. Exercise is always important, but doesn’t really help with weight loss. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

  4. Alcohol is a poison. It’s only going to hinder you. While your body is processing alcohol it basically abandon’s most other processes to get rid of it. Drink if you want to, but it’s going to hamper your goals

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