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Quitting sugar (mostly). BRUTAL Headaches are kicking in. Advice?

I feel like my problem mirrors that of fasting, at least to some extent.

I consume about 3 or 4x the amount of recommended sugar intake daily. I haven’t gained weight but I’m speeding towards diabetes. I crave it like a drug. As with any withdrawal, you feel like shit. It’s been 3 days now. The cravings have lessened bu the headaches have started. Migraine level pounding. Im downing Aspirin and Tylenol but miinimal help.

So…is there ANYTHING I can do to alleviate these headaches? Vitamins, food, drinks, actions..anything?

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Are you fasting or what. I would highly advise against fasting and solving sugar cravings. What’s suggested by most people is to go keto and then move to fasting. I would recommend carnivore (because sweeteners just make you crave sugar more unless you have amazing self control). I find a carnivore or ketovore diet works most efficiently for cutting out sugar then move to fasting once you have that out of control. Maybe try MCT oil in coffee since it’s easy for your body to break down. But yeah in closing you’re pretty much cold turkeying yourself of a drug that is 6 times more addictive than Cocaine. It’s not going to feel great but you’ll get through it.


Electrolytes help a lot. Look up ketoade recipes look in the r/keto side bar for more detail. When you start fasting your body sheds a LOT of water. This sudden drop can cause headaches. Electrolytes help your body hold onto its water and put it where you need it.


Try gradually easing off the sugar. I’ve done that over the last decade, not as a planned thing, just gradually cutting out sugars that don’t come via real foods like fruit. I’m not saying spend tens years, but if you think that’s the cause of your headaches why not just half your intake, then later half again before starting a long term low sugar diet?


i did it through steps not cold turkey , i used to drink metric tons of sugary drinks, i stopped drinking them first and after a while stopped eating anything with added sugar as well, There are a variety of fruits that are healthy sweet snacks for craves, try fruits


I would say talk to a doctor if you have the means. I was afraid to do so for so long because I thought I couldn’t afford it. The visits cost me nothing and the medications less than $12 a month. I thought my headaches were sugar related, but she diagnosed it as otherwise. Of course, my experience was anecdotal and yours could totally be sugar related, but you may get a prescription. I was prescribed Amitriptylene and Sumatriptan. The Sumatriptan is AMAZING. It hasn’t failed me in having a clear head for the rest of the day, and probably for even 3.


Hi, I am seeing your question in the fasting subreddit and as someone who came to fasting via keto/low carb way of eating, I can totally identify with the sugar & carb craving and have this recommendation:

“Cold Turkey” as a concept is not about punishment or being tough on yourself. The magic thing about abstaining from carbs/sugar is that after about 2 weeks, the cravings go away.

To ramp-down carb cravings, I recommend easing into low-carb eating (keep carbs below 20g/day, eat to satiety for fat & protein.) Then you may find that fasting is way easier, and you may not need to fast at all.

My short story:

Ate SAD (Std American Diet) and thought I was healthy because I ate whole grains and fancy organic stuff. Did not think of myself as having a sweet tooth but boy, did I love my carbs.

Tried a low carb diet in my late 30s (“Sonoma Diet”) without counting carbs, lost weight.

Into my 40s got into a sourdough baking hobby (pre-COVID!) and packed on the pounds.

Decided to go low-carb again in my late 40s and discovered keto via Reddit when I accidentally got the “keto-flu” by reducing carbs drastically all of a sudden. (I think I googled “low carb diet why do I feel like I am dying” or something to that effect.)

Thanks to r/keto for the electrolyte recommendations!!! While tracking my macros for 1 year, lost 55lb.

*Accidentally* noticed that after becoming fat-adapted, I could easily skip meals without becoming tired or hangry.

Discovered via reddit that I had independently invented “Intermittent Fasting”!

Now into my 50s, and being easy on myself with COVID life and everything I have found:

I don’t crave carbs if I eat low-carb. Even lazy keto and the weight stays off.

“Cheating” for occasions such as holidays can throw me off to a point where I am practically hallucinating craving for crappy carbs like potato chips and halloween candy, stuff that I don’t even like.

Takes about 2 weeks to re-set/remove cravings by eating low-carb. I don’t even think about fasting before getting the carb craving under control.


How much water do you drink when fasting?

Do you consume drugs ( like coffee ) ?

I eat the same and before i start a diet i generally drink 3-4l of juice, eat 500ml ice cream, 2-300g chocholate and more.

No problems during the fast.

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Categories: sugar diabetes shit vitamin keto to fast oil coffee electrolytes fruit snack medication low carb magic carbs whole grain macro intermittent fasting holidays